Chapter 1005: Two Options!

Pete’s question made everyone look at Justin.

Only Nora, who seemed to have vaguely guessed something, pressed her lips together and kept quiet.

Justin let out a small sigh. He squatted down, looked at Xander, and stroked his head. “Xander, you have two options now.”

The puzzled Xander looked at him. “What?”

“The first one: we capture and bring Trueman back, lock him up for life, and never let him show his face outside. This way, you’ll be able to live on openly.”

Xander: “?”

Stunned, the boy didn’t seem to be able to quite digest the news.

What was going on?

What was this sudden plot twist?

He didn’t have to die anymore?

They had the V16 now?

While he was thinking, Nora asked, “What is the second option?”

Justin answered, “We let Trueman go free while you stay hidden for life, unable to ever appear before others.”

Pete frowned.

Cherry asked blankly, “Why?”

At her question, Justin explained to the three children seriously, “Because we can’t let outsiders know that a third V16 exists.”

Other five-year-olds were still naive and innocent at this stage of their lives, but the three of them were different. All three of them were exceptionally intelligent, so Justin felt it necessary to explain everything to them clearly.

Xander suddenly realized something. “A third V16 exists?”

he was about to speak, Nora interjected and spoke ahead of him. “My guess is that there exists not just a third but also a fourth, fifth, and

Justin sighe

knew he wouldn’t be able

He nodded.

Xander didn’t understand. “But didn’t Grandma only

“That’s because your father only

the more

he didn’t understand what was going on


looked at Justin and asked, “If I’m not

Justin nodded.

had left clues in the bank, I slept very deeply for an hour that night. When I woke up, I found a needle hole on my sole, an inconspicuous part of the body. I didn’t think much about it at that time but come to think of it now, you must have extracted my blood? Therefore, my blood is the V16, right? No, to be exact,

Justin nodded. “That’s right.”

faked your death, your purpose was to create an illusion for them that those were the only V16s left, so if they failed to get their hands on them, they would die! It wasn’t

as King was still a secret, Nora had really been under the impression that he was diverting attention

Since he was so powerful, why did he still have to divert attention away from her? But she finally understood

done all that just to protect

to spread, even if Justin was King, he still wouldn’t be able to

especially the case for the

various industries with the desire to lengthen their lifespans were there in this world? Sure, King could set up the Imperial League and rule over the world, but he still would never be able to control

once the news got out, how many people would try to steal Nora’s

lives would

one who had left behind the Morse code and so on that Nora’s mother had put in

long ago and set up

said, “Your mother really loved you

Nora fell silent.

had indeed

world’s largest organizations, i.e. the Imperial League and the mysterious organization, she would have needed incredible strength


even if she lost the fight, the mysterious organization would still be prevented

that would be all

if she was alive, she would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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