Chapter 1004: Will He Really Die?

Xander looked at Trueman.

He grinned at him, revealing two little canine teeth.

Trueman’s eyes reddened.

Although he had received the V16 injection and survived—which made him selfishly feel happy for himself—now that he was truly faced with the moment of separation, Trueman suddenly understood something he had read on the Internet:

“If one could exchange their life for another’s, or if one could make a wish with their death as the price, then there would probably be a lot of mothers and fathers in Heaven.”

Though Xander was not his biological son, he had brought him up for five years and watched him grow from a tiny infant to the big boy he was now. How could Trueman possibly bear to part with him?

He reached out and stroked Xander’s head. “You’re such a silly boy.”

Xander took his hand. “Daddy Trueman, don’t do anything illegal anymore. Mommy works with the special department, so she is authorized to arrest you… Daddy is also very fierce. He will be watching you too.”

Xander looked at Trueman intently. “Can you promise me that?”

Xander’s words stunned Trueman.

Faced with the child’s clear and pristine eyes, Trueman’s lips curled into a smile. “Okay.”

Hearing his reply, relief flooded Xander.

Although Daddy Trueman was not a good man, he always kept his word and never lied…

talking to him, Xander returned to Nora’s

Justin and asked, “What do

said to be

the years, he had led the mysterious organization to commit a lot of crimes. Besides, he was not like Caleb who had pushed the blame for all the crimes on

and Justin

get you out of here, but

him. Although the mysterious organization had been dissolved, as its leader, Trueman would remain a wanted criminal for the rest of

honest, Nora and Justin had the option of handing over Trueman directly to the special

saved Xander twice

than enough to hold back Nora and Justin from doing

up. “We don’t owe each

said, “The car is right

want to see him anymore,

can be considered

him with a complex look

After all, that would put him a whole generation younger than him! He’d just

looked at Nora. “When did you discover Caleb’s

he had tried to send hadn’t been conveyed to Nora at all.

Suddenly, she smiled and said, “If I tell you that I never really

Trueman was taken aback.

but later, Morris told me that all those who had bullied him perished in a fire. When he was investigating the matter, he’d thought that either Justin or I was behind it, but neither

all bad people, Justin and Nora

they would do was teach them a lesson; they would never cause any

other possible explanation was that Caleb had murdered them to vent his

them in too cruel a way. All of them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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