Chapter 16 A Proper Burial

Despite panicking inwardly, Jessica kept a cool front and responded calmly, “Yeah, they are Yolanda’s kids. She gave birth to them after having unprotected sex a few years ago. They are staying in Gravel District. I know them well and I’m staying at their house for now.”

Her best friend, Yolanda, was a promiscuous woman. It was normal for her to have a few illegitimate children.

Hearing that, Trevor relaxed and turned to leave.

In the taxi, Bennett covered his lips and giggled in a mysterious manner.

Asher got curious. “Why are you giggling, Bennett?”

“Asher, I drugged the man Mommy hates. A few hours later, he’ll become a pervert, and everyone will hate him. Mommy will be delighted when that happens!” Bennett explained as his grin grew wider.

“Why will he become a pervert after taking the drug?” Asher was still confused.

“I don’t know. I saw online that the men who took this drug will become perverts,” Bennett revealed.

Asher inched backward instinctively to keep a distance from Bennett. Warily, he asked, “Will I become a pervert, too?”

the medical book, the drug only works in adults. Asher, you’re such a fool!” Bennett explained

angrily and whipped his

Silence ensued.

serve any patrons. The latter wandered around the twenty-second floor aimlessly and finally

you shouldn’t offend Trevor because of me,”

was distancing himself from

or perhaps Alfred indeed wanted to pursue her, but she

you, Jessica,” Alfred announced. He picked up a glass before him

through. You might be Horington’s Top Socialite or a

pay me enough. If you like me, you just have to pay me to spend the night with you. However, if another man pays me tomorrow, I’ll spend the night with him. I’ll treat each and

as his


wrong. You can leave now,” he

was obviously trying to keep a distance from

a word, she

Janice barged in furiously and came to a stop

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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