Chapter 64: The Truth

The next morning, I slowly wake up in his arms. He is already awake. I catch him staring at me when I open my eyes.

“…why are you staring?” I ask sleepily. “What’s on my face?”

He holds me tighter in his arms and whispers, “nothing…I just can’t get enough you. I can do this all day-watching you sleep.”

“Getting a little creepy here I think,” I sit up and stretch my back. “Today is Saturday. Do you have any plans?”

He sits up with me, “So I was thinking…maybe we can go get some new furniture? You can redecorate a little.”

The idea of decorating my first home definitely seems interesting. So I immediately jump on board.

Since we are trying a simpler way of life now, I thought he would take me to IKEA or Target. But instead, he ends up driving me to a fancy mall with all those luxury designer brands.

When the sales lady welcomes us into the VIP lounge again, I whisper to Eason, “I thought we are buying furniture. What are we doing here?” “They have house products here. And all decorations you might like,” he gives me a strange look. “Where else would we go?”

I sigh. I should have known that he might not have stepped into IKEA or Target in his entire life. Getting a cheap apartment is the hugest step he has ever taken.

The sales lady sits us down in the VIP lounge and brings us champagne and a set of afternoon tea, all complimentary of course. But if you think about how much money we are going to spend here, the gesture becomes less generous than it seems. “Brings us the brochure and then give us a moment please,” says Eason. Everything seems so exquisite and…pricey. There are only pictures and descriptions listed on the brochure, but no price. I can’t even begin to imagine how much will those cost.

“Finding anything you like?” he asks. “They all seem very nice. But I hope you don’t spend too much on this?” I try to persuade him. “Because you know I can’t even afford a teacup in here.”

“Let me worry about the money,” he gives a gentle peck my cheek. “You just focus on choosing things that you like.”

I sigh and eventually agree. While we are sitting there looking through the brochure and enjoying our afternoon tea, suddenly my phone buzzes. I take a quick, casual glance at it and instantly sit up. It’s Jenna! Who just disappeared for an entire night.

(Jenna: WHERE ARE YOU?!!)

with her? I frown and

shopping with Eason @central mall.

another message shots

and wait for me at the employee’s


use the restroom.] Oh God. She makes it seem so serious! What’s the matter for god’s sake? Why can’t she just tell me? Is she

Just tell me

not now. Do as I say. Please.] “What’s the

making me jump a little in my seat and almost dropping my phone. Looking up, I find Eason looking at me carefully. “Who are you texting to?”

and then decide to listen

asks me to run some errands for her. No

of the time and ten minutes later, I stand up telling him, “I need to use the


bottom lips and quickly think of something else, “I want to get that ice cream

to come with you?” I force out a smile, “I’m not a three-years-old. Be right back.” After that, I quickly exit the lounge before he changes his mind. I wait at the employee’s exit for Jenna. 5 minutes later, she finally appears, thought she shocked me with her look: an oversized hoodie pulled down to cover half of

“What’s the matter with you?” I cry out. “Why are you dressed like this!” She makes a sharp stop in front of me and pants violently. After catching up a breath, she grabs my hand and blurts out, “Nat! Eason is a freak! He is

a sudden, I find

be…why is he a freak? What did you say that!” Jenna grabs my arms and stare at me, “You need

telling me everything she

Suddenly the memory from last night resurfaces. “It’s just an agreement that needs to be signed. I didn’t think that person would sign it, but I just heard that she caved in anyway,” he smiles. “It’s a relief for me.” I thought he was talking about business. But could it be that…he was actually referring to the nondisclosure agreement he forced Jenna to sign?! And all

“Say something please?” I suddenly bend down, gasping, coughing, retching. My body is sick. I feel so

to dry heave. I can’t stop myself. My stomach swirls every time I think of

in love with him…I was crazy for

to fucking play me like

to cuddle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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