“Are you still there, Scarlett?” Emery asked on the other side of the line.

“Yes.” After a pause, I asked, “Where are you going for your honeymoon?”

She thought about it and said, “I had a talk with Hunter, and we decided to go to the Miralaea for our honeymoon. The weather is nice over there.”

There was a noise coming from the bedroom, so I quickly said, “Have a safe flight then. I think Summer is up, so I have to go and check on her.”

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

Summer was awake. She was curled up under the blanket, and she still appeared to be weak. When she saw me, she said softly, “Mommy, I’m thirsty.”

I poured her a glass of water and brought it to her lips. I placed my hand on her forehead to check her temperature and found that the fever had subsided.

“Mommy.” Seeing that I was lost in thought, Summer called out to me and passed me the cup.

I came around and took the cup from her hand.

Then, I pulled the blanket up to her chin and asked, “Do you want to sleep for a little while more?”

Summer shook her head. “I don’t want to sleep anymore. Did Mr. Crest say that I can get out of bed?”

I smiled faintly and said, “Of course, you can.”

blanket off her and got out of bed. Although her

the window, I stared at

the exchange between Ashton and Marcus? It must have been something that triggered

emotions under control, and

a call from Camelia.

tell from her tone that she was

you free to go

glance at Summer. She was lying on the sofa, and

“I’m afraid not.”

Corporation’s shares at a high price. Together with the fake news of White Corporation’s shares falling, the

what Camelia had said, it seemed to have

quite sure about this. Perhaps you can find out what did Marcus said to Ashton at Emery’s wedding.” Women should never

is not the case with White Corporation. For the past few years, things are not looking good. OrbitTech was acquired by White Corporation in a short four years’ span. Although it’s profitable, it can’t be compared to HiTech. Ashton loves you, so please ask

after hearing that. Clamping down on my emotion, I asked, “Did Marcus asked

she asked irritably in


child. I have to defend him and help him. You

is my husband. Did you ever think of that before you asked me to help you?” I sighed and continued. “Camelia, you and I are

of me as your friend, please stop with

phone and composed myself. When I turned around, I saw that Summer

wanted to sit for the admission test. But as the day went by, I missed my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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