Joseph had been staying in the villa these few days. So, when he saw the luggage in my hand, he immediately called Ashton.

Then, he halted me in my tracks and gave me a perplexed look. “Mrs. Fuller, are you going somewhere? Why don’t I give you a ride?”

I shook my head. Smiling faintly, I said, “It’s alright. I’ve already called a cab. It’ll arrive soon.”

Indeed, the car arrived soon after.

Sally probably never expected me to leave so hastily. So, when she saw the car, she panicked and turned pale. Tugging on my hand, she hurriedly said, “Scarlett, no. You don’t need to leave so soon. I…”

“What Ms. Fuller said was true. I should have known better.” I cut her off. With that, I got into the cab.

Joseph was puzzled, but he could not stop me by force. In the end, he hopped into his car and followed me.

Previously, John had given me a house in K City. I thought I would never use it, so I had never gone there. Now that I was in need of a place to stay, I hailed a cab and headed there.

stylish interior design. However, because it had been unoccupied for quite a number of years,

new place would be Marcus. When I saw him, my expression immediately

him in disdain and spoke in

be happy to see me here. Glancing at the room behind me, he

ignored his question.

completely unaffected by my unfriendliness. He

anything to him, not even a glass of water. If it wasn’t for our friendship in the past, I wouldn’t even let him in.

parted ways in M Country, I came back not long after. After knowing that you’d left the Fuller family, I looked for you everywhere. I always wondered if you’re fine and where you’d gone. Every year, I wander in various cities to search for you. But at the same time, I was afraid of meeting you.” He spoke calmly and gently, unlike the way he had talked that day. “Scarlett, you have no idea how much I missed

ask him how the accident happened, why did he go to M Country, and why didn’t he come back after he survived the accident. But I’m no longer interested to

years ago, I didn’t acknowledge them as my family. What makes you think that I’d return to them now? As for the Stovall family, I think John hates you as much as Ashton despises you. As

businessman, I shall

And you would often sit on the balcony alone, staring blankly into the distance. If there was no one around you, you’d try to jump out of the window. Afraid that you’d hurt yourself, I locked all the windows in the villa. Later on, you would wake up in the middle of the night to look for a knife and cut yourself. One time, you almost hurt yourself. I went to grab the knife in your hand and let you stab

in my heart. It had been so long that I have almost

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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