Chapter 216

My tears rolled down uncontrollably. He raised his arms and tugged me into his embrace. He comforted me, “No matter what, you will have a place in the sun!”

I nodded and cried uncontrollably. After a while, I pulled out from his embrace. Then I saw the stains of my tears and snot on his expensive suit. It looked hilarious.

I couldn’t help and laughed. “Your clothes?” My voice was hoarse.

He sighed helplessly. He took out a tissue and passed it to me, “Clean up your own mess!”

I took the tissue and cleaned it for him, but there were still some stains.

I raised my head and looked at him, “It seems like it can’t be wiped off.” I said apologetically.


He raised his hands and flicked my forehead. He smiled, “I will have to send it for cleaning.”

I nodded, that was all we could do now.

After eating and taking a stroll, my mood was brightened up.

When we reached the mall’s car park, he went to fetch the car, and I waited for him at the exit. I was bored and stared blankly under the sun.

The autumn sun was not glaring, but it would still give one a headache if one stayed for too long.

“Jackson, did your driving skills get rusty? Aren’t you only reversing? Why are you so bad at it?”

in my tracks and turned over

I froze again. The voice echoed from my back. It was Jackson, “Can you stop talking? Just

“I can’t!”

had also caught sight of Jackson and Marcy, and he looked up to see that my expression

furrowed his brows, “Do you want

boarded the

in a half-dead state. I would only make them worry if I met them. I

nothing else. He

the sceneries went past in a flash. I stared out the window


sigh, “You would have to get through

get through

of the days were peaceful. Marcus was good at taking care

possibly stay here

I didn’t want to meet anyone. I didn’t check my phone, the television, nor the news. The days

early at night. He saw me

my legs and said,

my book and looked up at him. I smiled

he wasn’t angry because I compared him to an elder.

my head and gave it a thought, “Hm…you

“Then I’ll have to do something about that. If

maid walked out from the living room and said

a glanced and raised his brows, “Romeo and Juliet? You seemed to be reading this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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