Chapter 208

Rebecca turned around and walked back to the room

Perhaps it was because she walked so fast, but she ran into Kristina at the corner, and the both of them collided together. “Ah!”

“Are you blind?” The collision irritated Rebecca utterly, and she pushed Kristina to the ground after balancing herself.

At that moment, Rebecca presented herself as a domineering and arrogant woman.

Kristina suppressed her anger and got up from the ground with the tacos in her hand. Fortunately, the tacos were not crushed.

She scampered to her feet and began apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry! I was in a hurry just now. It was an accident.”

“Accident?” Rebecca yelled. She then gave Kristina a side glare and responded in disdain, “It was disgusting to come into contact with your filthy body!”

Then, she grabbed the tacos from Kristina and threw them into the trash bin without hesitation.

Rebecca contemptuously ordered, “It’s dirty. Buy me a new one!”

Furrowing her brow, Kristina was speechless with rage. “Ms. Larson, you’ve gone too far!”

Rebecca responded arrogantly, “Okay! Should I inform Joe that you refuse to buy tacos for me? Should I also tell Jared and Ashton that you hit me deliberately as a payback?”

“You’re a jerk!” Kristina gritted her teeth in anger.

“Haha! Are you going to buy or not?” Rebecca looked at Kristina condescendingly with her arms folded.

the incident from afar and chose not

nodded, concealing her fury. “Okay!

and walked toward the lobby of Paramount

brave person and would stand up for her. It seems that you are colder than I thought. Scarlett, you are not a good person

room after finishing her


find Kristina more scherming than Rebeca after having dealt with her steal times. Didnt she have a crush on Ashton?

she turn her target

following Rebecca into the room, he immediately stood up and approached me Then he asked while cuddling me,

at Rebecca, who was glaring at me and pursing

Indeed, she was jealous.

looked toward Rebecca with a scowl on

not say a word, Rebecca was aggrieved at his silent

never looked at her

turned to Jared and Joe. “It’s getting

and threw down the blanket,

stood up and replied in annoyance, “Damn! Why are you guys leaving

and explained, “ Scarlett is not supposed to stay up latc. You guys have a nice

say much but looked at Jared. “Why

to sleep!” Jared

for a while before speaking, “Fine! Let’s go! We must get together for a drink some other

realized everyone was about to leave and handed the food

glance. “Why did you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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