Chapter 200



Thus, Ashton was simply overthinking it.

When we finally arrived home, I was too tired to even get out of the car, so he carried me bridal style all the way into the bedroom.

In no time, I was soundly asleep.


The next day, I woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. When I tried to find my handphone, only did I realize that I’ve accidentally left it in the pavilion.

After washing up, I headed downstairs and was instantly greeted by Mrs. Eriksen, who was brought back to the house by Ashton. “Good morning! Your baby bump looks bigger! Well, I bet it’s a baby boy.”

I was amused. “We didn’t check the baby’s gender to keep it a surprise, so I can’t tell right now.”





Mrs. Eriksen pursed her lips upon hearing my words. Fixing her eyes on my belly, she insisted on her opinion, “Believe me, the baby must be a boy! Oh, I almost forgot! We’ve prepared some fish stew for you. The broth is rich and well-seasoned. Come, have a taste!” Both Mrs. Eriksen and Molly had prepared a tableful of dishes.





asked, “Where is Ashton?” Has he gone to



early in the morning, but he said he would have lunch with you. I think he’ll be back at any minute.” Mrs. Eriksen replied while serving the fish

and I agreed with Cameron in saying he was an ambitious man. After all, his goal was never K City, but the global

 Ashton chooses to be with Rebecca, he

of little help to him. Even after I gave birth to the baby, I

AC Credit. Thus, I could only

As my mind wandered off, I swallowed a large piece of fish and had gotten the fishbone stuck in my throat. In an instinct, I made a few

a glass of water and then patted me on my back. “Oh no! You got a

tried to swallow hard, but the sharp pain in

Molly picked up the phone to

Ashton was back in time to see them in

my arms, Mrs. Eriksen answered, ‘Letty got a

aid. “Open

chin with his hand, propping my mouth open with his fingers to examine my condition. Soon after that, he loosened his grip and

to the living

you eating in a hurry? The food is all yours. I won’t steal food from a

with a pitiful face, I

helplessly. “That will teach you a lesson. It

not only that he didn’t try to console me, but he reprimanded me instead. “It was

heat off me. “Mr. Ashton, I believe she has

raised his eyebrow. Eventually, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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