Chapter 14

Chris did not expect Charmine to be so dull; he thought he would have impressed her with what he

said about Anthony.

He wanted to say more, but Charmine merely carried him and put him aside. “Momo, go back to your

father. I have some important things to attend to,” she spoke. “Go home, will you?”

“Mommy…” Chris looked up at her with his puppy eyes, in an attempt to change her mind with his

pitiable look.

Charmine would be lying if she claimed this had no effect on her, but she was reminded of the reason

why she made her return.

With her focus returned, Charmine hopped onto her motorbike.

Poor Chris was pouting so much that his lips might reach the sky; his plan had failed. He had to think of

another way.

He swung his meaty hands carefreely as the engine ignited.


at the back was deflated, slanting

dart!” Chris yelled as though stricken with fear.

attack you!”

sure enough, saw a silver dart embedded in

With a dart, no

was growing suspicious, Chris hastily went up to her

I’ll ask Daddy to send you home!”

Daddy! Attention!”

but it still did not add up.

thrown that dart… Or so she thought. His convincing ‘terrified’

he was

Rolling the window down, Nial quickly

get in

to the passenger’s seat and got in quickly. “Mommy, get

nothing else.

Nial was in the van and, if

too much of

door closed. Anthony was

Can I still get out?’

the rear-view mirror, he hastily stepped on

could change her

now too late,’ she sighed internally, staying as far away from

and did not seem to pay any

laced with indifference and coldness, an aura so uncommon yet so unperturbed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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