Ariana felt a lump form in her throat, her hands trembling as she clutched her tableware.

Her heart raced with nervousness, unsure of what Darian was going to suggest. Ariana had learned about the Anderson Group from Jasper, and she knew that it was one of the most prominent companies in the hotel industry in Eleymond. The group had almost a monopoly on high-end hotels in the city, making it an incredibly successful business.

However, after Darian’s father passed away and he took over, the company started to experience a downturn.

It was on the verge of bankruptcy before Theodore intervened, taking over the company and implementing sweeping reforms to revive its fortunes. Under his guidance, the Anderson Group even opened a subsidiary in the entertainment industry, which proved to be a smart move.

But now, it seemed as though Darian was trying to use Theodore’s illness to push him aside and reap the benefits of his hard work.

It was clear that Theodore saw right through Darian’s ploy. He calmly set his glass down and fixed his gaze on Darian. “Why don’t you just come straight to the point and say you want to strip me of my power? There’s no need for these fancy words,” he sneered.

Darian was unable to maintain his composure any longer. He slammed his fist onto the table and bellowed, “Do you speak to your own father in such a manner?”

Ariana, who had stopped eating and was clearly


anger, struggling to keep his

for the Anderson Group, but after the accident, the company has been in a precarious state. Since you need to rest and

“That’s a tough

turned serious, and his icy stare locked

at Theodore

shocking request. “I want Ariana to work at the

left everyone at the table in disbelief, particularly Ariana. She wondered why he

she was about to decline, Darian slammed his fist on the table

spoke up. “I agree. Theodore, you can’t be so careless.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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