Chapter 9

“Crap” i uttered as I send the bag utap Uwer my shoulder and knoked on the

I was late.

Taking unnecessary time cleaning my teeth in the bathroom made me lose track of time.

I pecked through the small square window through the door, surveying the little I could see

“Come in!” Mrs. Bailey’s voice pitched through the closed door.

I dragged my nail down the gap in my front teeth as a precaution. I wouldn’t want anyone else to point out that I had something stuck between my teeth.

It was embarrassing enough that Haiden pointed it out after I thought I left him speechless. Only that I hadn’t and he had gotten the last word.

My fingers wind around the surprising cold door handle, pushed it down then

bra . Mus Hailey’s tangled dyrde wathe heat to come into View before ilie door widlens to reveal the rest of the nom.

Herating the door creak just the slightest, Men, Bailey whips her head to face me. Her mouth parts in awe as she lets her dark brown eyes behind thick-rimmed

outfit. Her cherry red lips curl into a pleasant

extra bright today Arabella! Trying for a new look?” Shechirped with another flash of her teeth stained by drinking too much coffee. My eyes glance at the coffee mug on her desk, the hot steam causing barely-there fog above

the coffee was strong, like a blow to the gut. The scent reminded me of father. If I’d ever catch the glimpse of

away from

Bailey. “I guess.” I Sanswered her vaguely and urged my

were her

ely and urged my lipst o work with me by smiline. It comes ou forced due to already having a shitty day Laut Mrs. Bailey sme to not

apologize but her sweet voice

I’d probably want to be late for this class too. Besides, we were

b e cool teacher. Only that to most, she Wasn’t and most that came out of her mouth was belittling her very

I was beginning to think that I had a target printed on my forehead. Until I remembered that they

chale. My gaze flew to the owner. A brown haired girl stared back at me with eyes the color of chocolate. She scans my features before she blows a bubble with the guin in her mouth.

even allowed

on the chair my bum was supposed t o be perched on. Should I spray it with bleach and disinfectant? The girl could have stepped on

but settle myself on the chair. I place my bag on the desk and set my attention on

minutes into the class a small

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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