Oscar’s knocks gradually became heavier and furious. “Amelia Winters, open the door!” he commanded.

It wasn’t until he knocked ten consecutive times that the door finally clicked open from the inside.

Amelia, dressed only in a bathrobe, was standing behind the door, her hair wet and her cheeks slightly flushed. She was, needless to say, a picture-perfect example of temptation.

Oscar’s eyes darkened with desire in a blink of an eye. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and scrutinized her from head to toe.

Amelia noticed the difference in his behavior, yet she remained distant when she spoke. “Mr. Clinton, I’m tired.”

up, and kicked the door shut with the back of his foot. He lowered her onto the couch in the room, his large, calloused

on his broad chest and replied,

place because I liked that you weren’t one who enjoyed meaningless quarrels. If you’re now learning

deep she could feel it in her stomach. But she still wore a smile on her face to conceal it. “Mr. Clinton, you don’t have to keep reminding me. I know it better than anyone else that our marriage’s merely a transaction. I’m not delusional. I love your money, you enjoy my body, and occasionally I’ll help you to get rid

as if trying to pick up any trace of unwillingness or pretense on her face.

suddenly hit by a wave of fatigue. The thought of dealing with Oscar Clinton was completely overtaken by her yearning

gently placing her on the bed before climbing up

bed stopped creaking and their heavy panting gradually slowed down

to conceal the weariness in her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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