Tiffany lifted her hand to poke Amelia’s forehead, resolute to not sugarcoat her words. “At least you have some awareness. I think you’re a complete idiot. How could you say that you won’t accept his money?! You’re gonna be the death of me!”

Amelia’s head remained lowered, but her hand subconsciously moved to cover her belly. “Tiff… My period’s late for ten days. If I’m pregnant, what should I do with the unplanned child?”

Tiffany was rendered speechless. She stared dumbly at Amelia and gulped. “Have you tested with the kit?”

Amelia shook her head.

don’t want the child, then abort it. If you want to keep the child, I’m sure the Clintons

for the financial part, I’ll be the in-name Mrs. Clinton, and I’ll have to bear a child for the Clintons. But now that Cassie Yard has returned, he probably wouldn’t want

she questioned, “Have you really thought

I won’t abandon my own offspring. I lost my parents when I was five. It was my grandparents who raised me and sent me to university. But they passed on before I could repay them. I love money and saved it. And I was going to give my grandparents a better life, but it’s a pity they left before I could accomplish it. I

till we’ve filled our stomachs to find out. No matter if you wish to have a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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