Lisa had said it ambiguously on purpose. If it was any other woman, Amelia would definitely misunderstand. However, since it was Georgia, she believed that they were only discussing official matters.

Amelia smiled and said, “Ms. Bailey’s my friend too. Also, since the Baileys and the Clintons are collaborating on a project, she’s only here to talk about business. As the secretary, you’re spreading rumors instead of denouncing them. Do you want to get fired?”

Shocked, Lisa quickly clarified, “Mrs. Clinton, that’s not what I meant…”

“All right, go back to your work. I don’t want to hear such rumors again, understood?”

“Yes,” mumbled Lisa before slipping away.

Amelia knocked on the door and called out, “Darling, it’s me.”

voice only sounded after half a minute. “Come

and Oscar talking about work intensely. Hence, she sat on the couch at

hour later did their discussion end. Georgia stood up and

independent. In addition to her

in a friendly manner. She grinned and asked, “It’s been

work to do in my office, so you go ahead

to hold her back. “Stay

of work to settle. Let’s go shopping during the weekends! It’s been ages since we’ve hung out. I’ll

Oscar beckoned her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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