Chapter 26 

Sergio was never planning to let either one of the Vanderbilt daughters get away tonight. He could just wait until the other one came back, then ravage the both of them!

Willow struggled for a little while before the fast-acting drug took effect. Her body went limp. Too weak to move, her still body leaned against him. Sergio pinned her down. “Come to daddy.” In the ladies’ washroom…

Maisie knelt in front of the toilet. Holding her throat, she puked out every last bit of the juice. She stood up slowly by supporting her hands on the wall.

“D*mn it, both of the juices were spiked!”

Not only was Sergio out to get her, but he was also targeting Willow!

Hah! Willow had wanted to set her up. But no way in hell was Maisie going to just sit there and be played. Willow could have a taste of her own medicine, all by herself!

Maisie washed her face. Feeling slightly sober, she got out of that hellhole as fast as she could.

Standing by the road, Maisie tried to hail a cab, but all the passing cabs were already occupied.

starting to

and lowered her

and saw the woman crouching by the street with one hand waving. She looked familiar. He took a closer look and was shocked. “Isn’t that

over, his eyes dimmed. “Stop the

parked the car by the road. Nolan stepped and

this woman have too much to

someone call out her name, Maisie instantly lifted her head up and stared blankly into

state of her drunken stupor somehow seemed incredibly seductive. Nolan swallowed a nervous gulp and pulled her up from

man would take advantage of a drunken girl crouching at the

head with all her might and shrugged off his helping

 but Nolan pulled her back. Maisie lost her

arms, her skin so soft against his, Nolan felt his body stiffening. Even when Willow had hugged him the other night, it was nothing as intense as what he was feeling

about to

back to her feet in one fell swoop, placing both hands on his shoulders.

 seeing the blood trickling from Maisie’s chewed-up fingers, Nolan’s brows scrunched u p. Holding her hands down, he growled, “Have you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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