Chapter 24

Maisie chewed her pen and thought for a long time, but she was stuck in an inspiration drought…


Seeing Willow appear outside her door, Maisie put her pen down. “There’s no one around. You can drop the mushiness. It’s nauseating.”

If this was any other day, Willow would have retorted with a scathing remark. Todayhowever, she managed to converse in a calm and collected manner. “I’m not here to start a fight. I’m well aware that you’re far more adept in matters of business.”

Willow placed the documents she was holding on the table. “I’m sure you know the conundrum Vaenna is currently facing. It just so happens that there’s a client who’s willing t o provide us with an advertising platform. Could you come with me and discuss the contract terms tonight?

Maisie picked up the contract folder, skimmed through the pages, then smirked. “Sure, I‘ll go with you.”

“I‘ll see you tonight then.” As Willow turned to leave, her eyes flickered with coldness.

Maisie picked up the folder to have a closer at the contract. Her brows arched slightly. She wanted to see the type of clientele Willow had picked out.

floor-to-ceiling windows, staring out at the downtown view.

wasn’t much information we could

you saying someone put a data

Vanderbilt. Only a select few who work in Luxella have

me to check if she had given birth in Stoslo. I was unable to confirm that, even after going through all the

gone through hell. A hacker must have had her private data locked away, or he would have been able to dig up more dirt. Nolan said

of those two kids, but they also

the only Vanderbilt he had

rather concerned about Miss Maisie Vanderbilt…” Quincy could

and glanced straight at him. “Are you feeling idle these

shook his head with guilty puppy-dog eyes begging for mercy. “N-No, not at all. In fact,

not want to end up like his brother, Hans Lawson, who had been sent to the North Pole to

Mr. Baldwin saw that Willow

brought my little sister with me to discuss our contract. There was heavy traffic on our way over, hope

initiative and sat next to the

body. It had only been six years, yet Maisie Vanderbilt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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