Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 35

”A food thief?”

Elena was startled and she looked in the direction that the young man dressed in white was pointing at. As soon as she saw the man that he was pointing at, Elena’s eyes widened immediately.

“It’s him!”

“Who is that? Elena, do you know that food thief?”

“Hmph! He is that wretched scumbag I was talking about!” Elena said in a furious manner as she walked towards Gerald.

The rich and young wealthy girls and boys followed behind Elena at this time.

At this time, Gerald was enjoying all his food and he was thinking about how he was going to greet the bosses and owners of the businesses on Mayberry Commercial Street later.

After all, this was the first time that Gerald had ever attended an event like this.

At this moment, it suddenly became very dark in front of him.

Gerald lifted his head and he saw a group of people standing in front of him. Gerald realized then that the leader of the group of people was none other than the beautiful but violent and aggressive girl that he encountered in the lobby earlier.

“It’s really you!”

Gerald exclaimed with a shocked expression

but you actually dare to sneak in here and steal our food? I think that you must be really tired of living!” Elena yelled angrily before she continued, “Sisters, this is the man who was peeping at me

Let’s teach him a

pounced on Gerald and they started scratching him, choking

simply watched as they stood at the side. After all, there were so many seniors

would not be too

are you doing? Don’t think that I won’t

completely torn and he had purple bruises

was starting to lose

time, Elena slapped

me? I’ll

They were a

his head as the bunch of girls continued attacking


before he stopped the girls. In fact, many people

was wearing glasses and he sounded very gentle but he had some sort

Elena and

know that he was actually peeping at me when we were in the elevator earlier? He even has the audacity to sneak in here to steal our food now!” Elena said as she stomped her

at a loss for words as he stared at his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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