Chapter 22

A dark look crossed his face and I saw the raw sadness that grew beneath his irises. I almost felt bad for bringing it up in the first place but I knew that it was necessary for me to leave.

“What do you know about it?” he asked finally.

“I know that you and Lauren were having a child.” I thought of how to explain what I knew without putting Eve in trouble, “I know it was a recent loss because of how Lauren reacted to it.”

“What do you mean how she reacted?” Gone was his sadness, now he was looking at me with narrowed eyes. “Is that way you want to leave?“

“She was just upset when she saw me in the nursery. That’s understandable because it was her kid.”

“What did she do?”

“Nothing.” I answered too quickly and I saw that he didn’t believe me. “Does it even matter? I don’t want to be the one who comes between your healing process.

He opened his mouth to speak but just then, the door opened and Lauren walked in with a very large tray of food. She started to place it on the small metal table next to Ryker’s bed but he stopped her, took it from her hands and put it on his lap.

Lauren looked between us almost as if she wanted to be privy to the conversation we were having.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Lauren said as she crossed past me and took the only available seat. “This is why I want to be on the field, I could be of use there.”

“You are enough use where you are.”

Hit voice held no tone for discussion and I saw that it annoyed her because of how she clenched her jaw but she nodded and swallowed down whatever retort she was going to give.

An awkward silence fell over the place and I wondered if I should leave them alone. I slowly took a step back hoping that no one would notice my movements until I was out of the room but I didn’t judge how perceptive Ryker was because the moment my foot shuffled a little, Ryker’s head snapped up to mine.

I froze like a deer in headlights and his eyes narrowed towards me. Lauren seemed oblivious to the entire thing or she was just doing a good job at ignoring whatever was going on around her.

she perked up when she heard her name from Ryker, “I think you’re done

smile faltered slightly,

with me, you can leave now. There is an array of guards here who can take

obvious but she nodded curtly and stood from the chair. As she passed by me, she shot me the meanest glare that she had ever conjured and I found myself shrinking back a

was hesitant, but when he threatened to drag me into the seat- injury or not- I forced my legs to move and I sat in front of him.

too much for me to finish.” I opened my mouth to

up a piece of toast and bit into it softly. He obviously wasn’t happy with my choice judging by his frown but he didn’t say anything about

Once we were done, I picked up the tray and he told me to set it on the table next to him

transparent sleeves of my night gown. More specifically, at my upper arm where a

happened to you?” he asked and I shrugged. “I’m not going to ask again

lie rolled easily off my tongue,

a hand shaped bruise formed on your arm.” The way he said it made me feel stupid for even saying it in the first place, “I want the truth Camilla.”

kept my voice soft as I responded, “I already told you the truth and please

released my arm and I stood at the far end of his bed. He muttered a few choice words under his breath and

walks in and as far as I know, there were no visitors,” he

you can’t possibly

from the anger swirling in his eyes, I knew that was a foolish thought, “Tell me what happened or everyone

my options in my head. I could simply tell him what happened or I could keep to my story and everyone will get hurt

began, “If you promise to

He said simply, “But, if you tell me then I’ll explain the story

and demand to leave but my curiosity was greater and against my better judgment,

I took the seat next to him and crossed my arms over my chest to hide the

and undikuted rage in his eyes, I knew I had to fix the

he was humoring me to see

from the top of the stairs so she grabbed me. I

he would because the last thing I needed was for Lauren to get punished for something that was

a talk with

let out a breath of relief, “Your turn.”

think about it. I waited patiently as he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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