“Medicine auction? Heh, Alex, you must be mistaken. I have no knowledge of medicine at all, why would I be at some auction? I’d usually just go to the hospital if I needed medicine. Why would I even dare to get some random medicine? Who knows what effects it might have?” Pepper smiled, denying Alex’s accusations.
Alex returned her smile and said, “You’re right, who knows what effects it might have? You should know better, right, Secretary Kimmich? Remember to watch your step. You have four eyes, so you should be able to see much clearer than most of us. I hope you won’t take another wrong step.”
He then turned to John.
“You’re a few days closer to the deadline. You’d have to think this through.”
“If you refuse to return what I asked for, you probably won’t be able to have this coffin opened. Forever..!”
Alex placed his hand gently onto the coffin cover.
With a gentle pat, the whole cover turned into pieces of wooden shards.
Pepper’s face had turned extremely pale, her eyes filled with shock and disbelief. She was a fighter herself. Hence she knew just how powerful Alex’s actions were. Even if Baldy, who was an Advanced Royal fighter, used all his might, he wouldn’t be able to achieve such strength.
‘Could it be that Alex had become a Mystic ranked fighter at such a young age?’
All of the Rockefellers were appalled from seeing such a horrifying scene as well. No one dared even to breathe louder than they were supposed to.
On the other hand, the four who were in the coffin couldn’t stand it anymore.
As soon as the cover was lifted, they started pushing each other out of the way, just so they could get out of the coffin as soon as possible. Suddenly, Olivia held on to the coffin and screamed. Her whole body trembled. The woman was unable to hold it in any longer, wetting herself.
“Ugh, oh my god!”
“Oh god no, ew! That’s disgusting!”
Everyone else who was still stacked under her started screaming as well.
Just as Alex was about to leave with Waltz and Brittany, Bill’s eyes opened wide, almost as if they were bulging out of his eye sockets. His expression was twisted, and he seemed to be going through an epilepsy attack.
He couldn’t stop gasping for air, unable to regulate his breathing. He looked as if he was about to take his last breath.
“Dad! What’s wrong with dad?”
“Don’t scare me!”
Alex turned around to look at them and narrowed his eyes.
The old man had a cardiac arrest, barely clinging on to life. If no one gave him proper treatment immediately, all that was waiting for him was death.
Waltz shook her head. “Well, would you look at that? That’s karma. Serves him right.”
Brittany, however, seemed worried.
She was kind-hearted. Bill had always called her a b*tch, hoping for her death, yet Brittany still treated him as a father. Bill was William’s father, after all.
Alex sighed. “I’ll help him then…”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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