Chapter 131 You Are Lying

“You need to be safe, not just careful,” Benjamin said in a bitter tone.

Arissa smiled. She couldn’t understand why Benjamin was getting angry over this matter.

Watching her rubbing her nose, his stern expression softened.

He gently pulled her hand away and examined the slightly red nose.

Frowning, he held onto her hand and led her into the living room.

“Edwin! Bring the medical box here!” He called out.

“Yes, Mr. Graham,” Edwin answered and hurriedly went to get it.

Arissa glanced at Benjamin, who was gripping her wrist tightly. She could feel the warmth of his hand tingling on her skin. Her heart was racing again.

Benjamin led her to the couch and made her sit down.

Edwin was beside them in a flash with the medical box in his arms. “Here, Mr. Graham.”

He opened the lid and passed it to Benjamin, his gaze falling onto Arissa. “Did you get hurt, Ms. York?”

nothing,” She replied, feeling

at her and took out an ointment. “Put

in front of

gently rubbed the ointment onto her nose

Shaun to come,”

Edwin when he saw the bruises on Arissa’s arm

over. She scanned the room, unable

“Where is Gavin?”

a classmate’s house and has not returned,” Edwin said with a smile

me he’s

smiled as she met Benjamin’s gaze. “Mr. Graham, my friend is taking care of my child. Why

flashed through Benjamin’s mind and he squinted

gaze was sharp, and his tone was laced with menace. “What

good friend of mine!” she exclaimed, suddenly feeling

shot her a look and scoffed.


smiled and nodded. “Yes, I

a glance at Benjamin. If Mr. Graham likes Ms. York, then they’re a perfect match. They both have children and won’t feel resentment towards

are you hungry?” Edwin asked. “Let me

all right.” Arissa

here,” Benjamin coldly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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