Chapter 129 It Was The Rogers Family

The injury was so painful that Arissa withdrew her hand from Benjamin when he was applying the ointment.

“Stop moving!” Benjamin ordered. He then grabbed her and continued treating her injury.

“Why didn’t you just run away when they came after you?” Benjamin questioned.

Arissa felt a sudden wave of warmth as she noticed how much Benjamin cared for her. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to! They came prepared. I took this route because it has less traffic, but who would’ve known they were already here waiting for me! I just wanted to get home faster, that’s all.”

“Who do you think might be behind this?” the stony-faced Benjamin asked.

“Except for Danna, I haven’t offended anyone else,” Arissa answered Benjamin cautiously while sizing him up.

Benjamin then paused and said in a deep voice, “I’ll get Ethen to find out more.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Graham!” Arissa said.

Benjamin stared at her, trying to figure out what was going on.

After Benjamin was done applying the ointment, Arissa pulled her hand back. She rubbed the injured spot gently, but all she felt was pain.

Benjamin’s heart softened when he saw how bruised up Arissa’s hand was.

the car and he knocked on the window. “Mr.

Benjamin was infuriated.

well. So, it really was you,

both of the men and exclaimed, “If the Rogers family was involved, then it had

sounded in her claim. “How would you know that, Ms.

then stared at him. “That’s what I’ve found out in

over at Benjamin and waited

back to the Rogers

answered and relayed Benjamin’s order to the

bodyguards then got in the car with Benjamin to send him

“Mr. Graham, thank you

her back in

then ordered the bodyguard

softly, “I think I’m okay to drive. Besides, my car

get someone to fetch your car and send it for

car window was severely smashed up. She couldn’t have

and broke all of the thugs’ legs. Their cries of pain were so loud that chills

Arissa was unsympathetic toward them. After all, they were trying to

Mr. Graham!” Arissa

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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