Chapter 121 Is This Guy Her Friend


Gavin smiled, his eyes narrowing into slits. Blushing, he kissed Arissa on her cheek.

Absolutely charmed by his cuteness, Arissa couldn’t help but kiss him again before putting him down.

“Sweetheart, go to school with your father. I have to get to work soon.”

She stroked the boy’s head lovingly.

I have another four kids in the house. I have to take them to school later, so I can’t have Benjamin sticking around.

“Let’s send Gavin off to school together before you head to work,” Benjamin said, extending an invitation.

Tucking her hair away, Arissa declined politely, “I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Graham. I will be driving to the company. You don’t have to go out of your way to do this.”

Upon noticing her somewhat distant attitude, Benjamin frowned.

“Go on, Gav. You need to get to school.”

Arissa pulled Gavin into her arms to lead him to the doorway.

Aware of Arissa’s predicament, Gavin showed his cooperation by dissuading Benjamin from the idea, “Come on, Daddy. Mommy isn’t used to sitting in your car yet. We’ll do this some other time.”

After checking on his son, Benjamin put on his shoes at the door.

he held Gavin’s hand before reminding Arissa, “Don’t be late for

for a moment

Mr. Graham. Bye-bye,

“Bye, Mommy!”

to wave at Arissa, whose

the father-son duo even got into the elevator, she

Benjamin heard that, he glanced back at the door with a frown

morose expression on his father’s face, Gavin tugged

his gaze and led Gavin

was about to go up the stairs just when the pair were


Bradley was delighted to see Gavin, he cut his greeting short when he got a close look of

he realized he couldn’t tell

the grown man was Benjamin,

person, and

the man was born with an air of

chilly aura was especially menacing to the point that Bradley couldn’t


He recognizes me?

up as

Gavin smiled demurely.

Bradley entered the apartment

frown, Benjamin lowered his gaze at Gavin. “Who is

Mr. Hinton.

looked at Benjamin. That was all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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