Chapter 3 Misidentifying The Son

“I’m sorry! We don’t want to take any pictures! Thank you for taking an interest in us, but you better stop taking pictures,” Zachary pleaded.

After turning down the crowd’s request, he approached Jasper and tapped him on the shoulder to warn him not to let other people take pictures of him.

Jasper stuck out his tongue at his elder brother. Nevertheless, he followed Zachary’s advice and ceased his poses obediently.

Not only was the public not angry at the rejection, but they were also impressed by Zachary’s politeness in handling the situation. They continued to watch the quadruplets with interest.

As more curious onlookers began to gather around them, Arissa hurriedly shouted at her children, “Come on, kids! Let’s move faster!” They could not afford to stay any longer to avoid causing congestion at the airport.

The four young children immediately followed their mother’s lead and moved away from the crowd. However, Oliver York suddenly called out to Arissa, “Mommy, I want to pee. I had too much juice on the plane just now.”

Oliver clamped his legs together while looking desperately for any sign of a restroom. As soon as he saw a sign, he wanted to rush toward it.

“Okay, I’ll bring you guys over there!” Arissa prompted.

She also wanted to use the restroom, so she let her children enter first as she watched over their luggage.

“Zachary, I need to poop!” Oliver told his elder brother before rushing to an empty cubicle.

“Ugh, you’re so troublesome. Hurry up!” Zachary admonished him before leading Jasper and Jesse out after washing their hands.

“Mommy, we’re done. You can go in now. Also, Oliver is still inside.”

“Okay, you guys be good and wait for me here. Remember not to wander off on your own!” Arissa reminded her children before entering the ladies’ restroom.

“Gosh! I wonder when Dani will arrive. I’ve been waiting since four o’clock. Yet, there’s still no sign of her!”

“Four o’clock? I’ve been waiting here since last night, just in case I missed her flight!”

“There! Dani’s plane has finally arrived! Come, follow me!”

“What? Wait for me!”

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, and hurried footsteps could be heard coming from outside, heading toward the entrance.

crowd’s reaction to the repeated mentions of

group of young fans. Well, only fans would be in that

ladies’ restroom, and they headed in the same direction. The three

the side to avoid getting

over our stuff! How rude!” Jasper

in lifting the luggage and echoed, “I know, right? They’re

behaviors, they would surely regret giving birth to them!” Jasper harrumphed while waiting obediently for

to her older brothers while looking at her surroundings curiously. Then, her eyes stopped at the sight of multiple children with cotton candy in their hands. She swallowed and pointed. “Look! They have cotton candy

store his younger sibling was pointing at. He then tugged the hem of Zachary’s shirt excitedly and said, “I’m going over there to

So don’t run off on your own!” Zachary advised despite also wanting to get a

about such a thing from Arissa after seeing it

once I’ve bought the cotton candy. Mommy and

store, leaving Zachary unable to do anything to dissuade his brother. “Be

cheered as he sprinted toward

airport, a group of bodyguards looked around

is bad. Gavin

him! If Mr. Graham finds out about

bodyguards hastily scattered in different directions, hoping to find Gavin

airport was of average size. Nonetheless, with it being jam-packed with people, it would be a daunting task for anyone

searching for a while, one of the eagle-eyed bodyguards spotted a familiar figure with cotton

cotton candy.” The

a minute, they

found you at last! Please don’t give us such a fright anymore! There are too many people in the airport. It’s too dangerous to run off on your own. Come

did not wait for Jasper’s response, nor did they notice the difference in the appearance of the young boy. One bodyguard took the cotton candies, while another picked him

rendered speechless as he was stunned by their


scream!” Jasper fiercely warned the group of black-clad bodyguards. He intended not to

Your daddy will be worried

They continued

widened in

Am I being kidnapped?

“Help! Mmph!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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