“Are you sure it’s her? Do you have any proof?”

“Yes.” Sasha took out the USB drive with her manuscripts in it and showed it to Sharon.

“This is the evidence. All the books I wrote and published are inside this USB. The manuscripts Xandra has are exactly the same, even the typos.”

“How sure are you that no one else has seen this before?”


“I’m positive no one else has seen this before. I made a copy for Xenia and brought everything with me before I went abroad, so there’s no way there’s another person aside from her.”

Sharon heaved a sigh and sat like a deflated balloon in front of her. Her face turned pale and the energetic glimmers that used to shine in her eyes were nowhere to be seen.

Sharon was a strong woman.

The Wand family was indebted to her. She was in no way related to the family, but because she married Jackson, she shouldered the burden and pulled the family through the hardest time.

She was a woman of pride and ambition.

For her whole life, she strived to perfect everything she laid her hands on, but everything was left in shreds because of her daughter.


Sasha suddenly felt a pang of guilt and remorse looking at the dispirited woman. She felt she should not have broken this news to her.

Sharon. All this began with me,

looked at Sasha. Her pale lips parted as she tried to

you planning to

broken voice tugged

to look at Sharon. “I won’t take her life. I came today just to let you know in advance that if Xenia continues this, I will do everything I can to make

Everything you can?

face. “What do you mean? She’s your uncle’s only daughter. Can’t you just

ultimately sided with her own child in

that. She was a

came over, but she refuse to admit her fault. Aunt Sharon, you need to recognize the fact that Xenia will pay the price sooner or later. Sebastian and Mr. Hayes Sr. will still deal with her even if I don’t act. They knew I’m the author of that book. Xandra was already in their hands. Do you

silence was her concession. She knew what Sasha said was

Sasha’s hands rather than the Hayes’. She could still beg Sasha to keep it

eyes as tears rolled

her? Send her away? Lock her

lose her memory about this incident,” Sasha pronounced

eyes widened like two saucers. Never in her wildest imagination would she expect

her memory?

will make her forget about what happened completely. This is the only way I can make sure

springing from the chair. “Then, she’ll forget

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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