What is going on?

She gave the maid a puzzled look. “Wendy, what’s this?”

“This is the boys’ daily schedule. Look, it starts from the moment they wake up, have breakfast, and until the teacher comes over for home tutoring. Ms. Wand, there’s a lot to do every day.”

Realizing Sasha still didn’t understand, Wendy went through the list again and explained it line by line to her.

When Sasha first heard that it was about the children, she continued to listen intently. However, when she noticed the list included time slots for cleaning up the children’s room and delivering milk to them, it suddenly dawned upon her what was going on.

This isn’t right. Aren’t these the maid’s work? Why are they being handed to me?

Unless, that assh*le…

When she suddenly recalled what Sebastian had said last night, her eyes glowered in anger. “Wait a minute, Wendy. Who asked you to give this to me?”

“Mr. Hayes. He said that going forward, you will be in charge of everything related to the children. Don’t you know?”

Wendy looked at her in surprise.

Sasha was dumbfounded.

The f*ck I know anything.

That piece of shit just mentioned it in passing last night. Besides, I rejected him on the spot too. Who knew he would still insist on it this morning.

stormed upstairs and looked for her phone

Buzz… Buzz! Buzz!


she finally

“Sebastian, how dare you take me for a nanny? Are you crazy? Me, a

the fact she wasn’t on speaker, her voice was still loud enough

meeting room became silent, especially the few

of your children”, their ears were

Mother of your children?

Mr. Hayes’ ex-wife? Since when are they still so close? Furthermore, even Ms.

them were

a volatile mood. A trivial mistake would cause his temper to flare easily. However, he had no reaction whatsoever to the fuming

there a conflict between the

think? I’m the children’s mother and yet you see me as their nanny? Are you nuts? Why should I lower my standing in front of

any remorse from him,

didn’t seem to be angry at all. Instead, he

you are the one that assumes yourself to be the nanny. Haven’t you

had nothing to

about it, she realized that other than the fixed schedule, she

As long as you take care of the children, your monthly pay plus bonus will total a hundred thousand. It’s a lot more than what they pay you at that dilapidated

is an utter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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