Chapter 22 None Of Your Business

What? Someone has snuck in?

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The middle-aged man’s words had suddenly caught everyone’s attention.

They had only heard about those who shamelessly bought an invitation card for a million just to attend the event.

However, they didn’t expect anyone to be so brazen as to sneak in!


“Who is it that snuck in?”

“Let me see who the shameless one is.”

Suddenly, Jonathan became the target of everyone’s ridicule. When she heard the comments, Margaret added fuel to the fire by pointing at him instead. “He’s the one that snuck in!”

Pointing at Jonathan, Margaret felt a sense of self-satisfaction, as if she was gloating over having exposed Jonathan.

“Are you the one who snuck in?” The middle-aged man stared coldly at Jonathan and sneered, “You have caused me to rethink how I see this world. All this while, I have only assumed the worst people would do was to buy an invitation card so that they can bask in the glory of the Blackwood family’s banquet. However, I didn’t expect you to be more shameless than I could possibly imagine! Where’s security? Come here at once!”

Just as he roared, a group of security guards hurried over in a fumbling manner. To them, every guest at the banquet was a mover and shaker of Jadeborough. Therefore, they knew they couldn’t afford to offend anyone.

“What is it, Mr. Crane?” the security guard asked sycophantically.

He recognized the middle-aged man as Victor Crane, Chairman of Crane Group. With a net worth of only one to two hundred million, he wasn’t considered extremely wealthy. Or else, he wouldn’t be seated in the last row next to the toilet.

someone the security guards couldn’t afford

the job? How can you allow someone to sneak into the Blackwood family’s banquet without your knowledge?

after hearing what Victor said. The Blackwood family was the most prominent in Jadeborough. Hence, there was no way

an invitation card?” The security guard didn’t dare

they knew they couldn’t afford to offend


Jonathan shook his head.

that case, how did you get in?” The guard’s expression drastically

in without one? This is a dereliction of our

front door!” Jonathan declared

Victor pointed at him. “He doesn’t even have an invitation card. How could he have entered via the main entrance? Do you think the Blackwood residence is

business,” Jonathan snapped at Victor, who refused to let the matter slide. “Are you

“What did you say?”

“Security! What are you f*cking waiting for? Throw this uninvited assh*le out

“Yes, Mr. Crane!”

Jonathan. “Since you don’t have an invitation card, please leave

have an invitation card, there was no

the nerves of the Blackwood family’s guests, but an uninvited guest like

going to

to leave, we will have no choice but to throw you out!” the guard scoffed. With a wave of his hand, a few guards behind him surrounded Jonathan

guards prepared to strike with batons. However, Margaret pretended to be oblivious to

she was smiling smugly, as if she was looking forward to the drama that

with a frown, “I was the one who brought him

bring herself to watch him

would be

Who are you?” Victor snorted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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