The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The divorced billionaire heiress Chapter 32

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress chapter 32

Both Mr. Zeller and Samantha Lindt were shaken when they heard Nicole’s words. Mr. Zeller suddenly smiled widely, picked up the bottle of red wine next to him, and poured a glass for Nicole.

“Ms. Nicole, since it’s a negotiation, I came with my sincerity. Why don’t you take a look at this document? As long as you sign it, I won’t treat you badly.“

Mr. Zeller took a file from his bag. The content was similar to the contract Nicole was holding, but the figure was another ten percent lower than the one Samantha had set.

Samantha looked at them and quickly advised her. “ Nicole, what’s the point of you only relying on Grant Stanton? You’d be better off getting a few more backers. Think about it, Grant clearly wants to do you harm because he just left you in this position without even guiding you. He probably won’t marry you either…“

Nicole did not care for Samantha’s sowing of dissension because she probably thought that they were lovers.

‘Is she trying to poach me?’

“Look at the clothes you’re wearing. They don’t even have a brand. Did you buy them off those online catalogs? How do you get to and from work? A taxi?“

Samantha looked askance at Nicole’s brandless getup and tugged on her Chanel suit, as she pursed her lips and smiled.

“To be honest, I’ve been in your shoes. You won’t lose out if you follow Mr. Zeller. He prepared a secondhand Audi for you. With Mr. Zeller’s help on the project, you’ll be able to sit firmly in your position…“

Seeing that Nicole was silent and in deep thought, Samantha thought that she was moved and winked at Mr. Zeller contentedly. She then stood up wobbly and said, “I’m going to the bathroom. You guys can continue the talk.“

a familiar

“T-That drug has been

hooked her

“Ms. Lindt, if I ‘m not mistaken, that


waiter did not dare to say it explicitly for fear of getting into trouble,

matter to him anyway? She’s the kind of woman that

sleeping her way to the top, it’s all the same whoever she sleeps with anyway,

very low. “Okay. I’ll go back to work

gets out, I’ll

without noticing a tall and well-built figure standing stiffly on

cold and glum. His eyes were stern and intimidating

“Huh? Mr. Ferguson?“

who came in and out of this private club was rich and famous, so the waiters here went through the basic training of recognizing the elites. That waiter immediately recognized

“Tell me! “

mess with Chairman Zeller, but Eric Ferguson was

around and left, exuding

In Private Room 3888.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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