Chapter 28

After leaving Charlize fast asleep in her bed, Luz leaves the room, still looking at the little girl with love.

She goes to her room, looks for a simple pajamas with a long-sleeved shirt and pants, gathers her hair in a high bun, gets in the shower and lets the hot water warm her body , in addition to looking for that relaxation what you need to sleep. When she gets out of there, she dresses quickly and goes to bed, with the nightstand light on, she looks at the ceiling for a while and then turns to hug the pillow, closing her eyes waiting for sleep to come to her.

But every time that happens, the images of that mask in the cloud of her senses attack her and she wakes with a start.

He sighs in frustration, sits up in bed, and checks the time.

– One in the morning… the night is long again.

She decides that maybe a glass of warm milk can help her fall asleep for more than just an hour, she reluctantly puts on her slippers, thinking that a therapist would give her thousands of tips for sleeping, but no one will help her if she doesn’t tell her. the source of your insomnia.

She opens the door and rushes out, colliding with a hard, warm body, which catches her before she hits the ground.

Luz only sees Gerard’s eyes, because if she looks the other way she’ll prove her theory that he’s not wearing a shirt, something her hands are pretty sure of.

“S-excuse me, I didn’t think anyone would be up at this hour.”

-I can’t sleep – Gerard tells him enjoying that intimate contact – Insomnia?

-Yes – he reluctantly releases her and she fixes her eyes on the stairs – . She was going for a glass of warm milk.

– I’m going for the same thing, I’ll go with her – but before he takes a step, Luz stops him, closing her eyes and turning towards him -.

something on, please – Gerard smiles at Luz’s reaction, but

give me a

and feels Gerard’s presence more than she sees it, something that strongly

a smile and immediately regrets it, because Gerard’s shirt makes it clear that he was exercising and

night,” he

normal, you should see a

going to medicate me and I don’t

 So I

lo mejor para la princesa, ver a su niñera dopada – él

Luz no ha

día, seguro le darían unas pastillas para dormir. En segundo lugar, usted no es la niñera de mi hija, ni siquiera la tutora… es su cuidadora,

es para tanto,

no estuviese todo sudado por el ejercicio, le daría un abrazo… usted nos devolvió algo que yo perdí hace años y que no le enseñé a mi hija:

para controlar las ganas de saltarle encima a su jefe, abrazarlo y decirle que puede estar bañado en sudor, pero que un abrazo no se le niega a nadie. Sin embargo, se aguanta las ganas y termina de bajar las escaleras cuando

la leche en un cazo, lo hace Gerard. Mientras esperan a que se caliente un poco, él busca las tazas

de conversación y así terminar con las

por la

lanza -. No busque uno tan estructurado, entiendo que por su trabajo y por ser una figura pública necesita a Charlize protegida, pero

un lugar donde la obliguen a ser

debería saber

diga. Soy un hombre que, aunque sepa los hechos, le gusta que

es que más grosera fui yo – él expresa su sorpresa y ella se ríe -. Le dejé claro que no se meta conmigo y

ni la trate mal – Gerard bebe un poco de su leche y le pregunta algo que se le quedó dando vueltas luego de la manera en que Darcy pensaba tratarla

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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