Chapter 18 The young man looked at Darius with a very livid expression on his face. He couldnt believe the kind of luck he had

First, a noname bitch had stepped on his shoes and while he was disciplining her, another idiot had come to play hero at his expense. Did the person want to die

He tried to yank his hands off the strangers grip but the strangers grip was just too strong

I dont know who you are but I suggest you unhand me this instant. Otherwise it wont end well for you.The young man said angrily

The people in the crowd all watched this scene with bated breaths. They had thought this would be a one sided beat down for the lady who had offended this big shot, but they didnt expect another person to step out from the crowd and stand up for the lady. The lady herself felt very shocked. She clearly did not expect anybody to stand up for her. She thought that she was already doomed, but now it seemed that that wasnt the case

I won‘t unless you promise to let the lady go.Darius stated firmly, tightening his grip on the young mans hands. Although the young man was beginning to feel pain from the grip on his hands, he didnt dare show it, unless he might lose his prestige in front of the now large crowd. Let her go? Do you know what she did?The young man hollered. Isnt it just a pair of shoes? Does a pair of shoes really warrant such violent behavior from you that you would dare hit a helpless lady?Darius stated, his eyes blazing as he spoke. A pair of shoes you say? As if!The young man exclaimed. This isnt just a pair of shoes; this is a limited edition collection from a very famous shoemaker! There are only 10 of them in the entire world! How on earth could a normal pair of shoes compare. And now this whore has ruined it!The young man exclaimed. He was very agitated and felt his anger even rising the more when he recalled how rare the pair of shoes was

edition collection?!” “Imagine how expensive that

who was the most shocked was the sales lady. Who would have thought that the pair of shoes she stepped on was something so rare and expensive?

seconds ago that

it was a baseless hope. No sane person would continue to

the origin of the shoes was that he was unable to overpower Darius. While Darius was dressed plainly, his raw strength convinced the young man not to

in the world were complete lies. There were more than

were only two of the shoes in the whole world, that was no reason for him to

let go of my hands now. If you do, I‘ll overlook your slight misconduct and not deal with you too. However, if you insist to

you tell me how much that pair of shoes costs?”

the price of the shoes now? What did that have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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