The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 172

This was beyond Darius‘ expectations. He widened his eyes in surprise and was curious to know how

Doris dealt with that.

He glanced at her, but she didn’t look too happy. She didn’t want him to know how vicious she could be, but she could not shut Erin up. So, she bowed her head to hide her face from Darius.

Erin saw this, but it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t do what Doris wanted, anyway. She said, “She had a small blade to protect herself, so she whipped it out and stabbed the man in the groin before running away.”

Darius‘ lip twitched. He was about to say something to mock Doris, but Erin didn’t give him a chance to. While trying to conceal her laughter, she said, “Sir, if I were you, I wouldn’t be too happy. What I’m going to tell you next about what she used to do will surprise you and make you mad.”

This was his first time seeing Erin like this, and he was very curious to know what she was going to say.

Erin said, “Every person Miss Gray stole from was affluent but had done plenty of illegal or unethical things. They used their wealth to escape from the consequences they should’ve borne. Then, she would steal from them and give their money to the poor.”

Darius frowned. He now understood why Erin had laughed. He turned to Doris and said, “It seems you

one of them.”

to look closely, one would also see a trace of regret in them. How

he insisted he was dating the prettiest girl in school. Then, he harassed another girl in the cafeteria. However, nothing happened to him because he was rich. He’d even made a rival go bankrupt for having the nerve to be interested in the same woman

unethical that she couldn’t stand it. She had

she’d trained hard over the years to make

her gaze. He was no longer smiling as he said, “Who told you about my personal matters? Why did

she’d been on his radar for a long time. Or his wealth and influence were powerful enough to allow him to find out so much about her in such a short

was what she wanted to hear. She knew that if she couldn’t do anything to him today, she would have to pay

already looked into your past before coming here, and I think you’re rich but unethical. You used your wealth to bankrupt a rival and

he heard this. He looked down at her. This woman had broken into his office and scolded him for things that weren’t even true. He was especially mad because it had something to

her neck. It was slender, and his fingers

had expected. Her eyes widened, and she screeched, “How dare you!


anger but she didn’t know what to do. She hesitantly took a step forward and placed a hand on his arm, trying to sound as gentle and harmless as possible. “Mr. Reid, she’s just a young woman who’s been tricked. There’s probably a better way to handle this. Would you like to give it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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