Chapter 163

“Darius. Long time no see. I hear you’ve recently become rich,” George sneered. Darius’ brows furrowed, forming a wrinkle on his once flawless face.

“George Jennings? I never thought I’d see you here,” he replied with his hands still in his pockets. Darius was unperturbed, as though nothing had happened.

Contrarily, sheer hatred exuded from a scowling George.

“I assumed you’d always work for your previous boss. It seems you’re not as much of an asset to him as I thought,” Darius continued, unbothered by George’s nasty expression. A scoff came from George just then. “I left that job. My current boss made the right decision in hiring me.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be taking my leave now.” Darius still could not care less. He doesn’t want to argue with him.


He wanted to leave but could not as George, who held a tray full of food, blocked his path.

A storm brewed in Darius’ eyes. His rage was so intense that anyone watching would get goosebumps.

I disagreed with in the past.” Darius kept the same posture throughout the confrontation

heart. His face scrunched into a leer as he snapped, “I don’t know how

to humiliate Darius. Unfortunately, he had forgotten about the expensive dish on his tray. It tumbled onto the ground. Even if George surrendered all his assets and wealth, it would not make up for how much the dish cost. Not

an instant. He gawked at Darius with a face full of panic while musing, “Damn it. If only no one were around. That way, I can pretend not to know anything and shove the

himself out of the sticky situation. However, he knew he was

a brilliant plan! I must be a genius!” he confidently thought. George then looked at Darius from top to bottom and bellowed, his voice increasing by the minute, “Darius! You entered this private room without permission! You violated our

“From the look of things, you intend to blame me for breaking that plate

surprised that his expression had revealed his scheme before he could say it. Then again, he knew there was only one solution now that Darius had discovered his plan

planning. What of it?” George looked at Darius with repulsion and arrogance swirling in his eyes. He then raised his chin while taunting, “Everyone knows you snuck in. Therefore, nobody would ever question my word. Let’s see if others believe you, a disgusting rat that came here unauthorized and ruined this dish, or whether they’ll believe me, the waiter

former’s taunting. All he did was nod calmly while saying, “If that’s the case, I’d

George’s eyes

overlooked something. It took a long while before he

you forgotten who you really are? How dare you even ask to see my

his pocket as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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