Chapter 157

The manager cautiously shot a sideways smirk at Darius before lowering her head. “My apologies, but I can’t recognize the brand of his clothes as it doesn’t seem well known. However, his clothes do look expensive.”

Darius could tell the former’s tone was full of mockery. That was when a confident voice said on the other end of the call, “If an article of clothing has no brand, it must be a custom piece. I doubt someone that capable would show up at our casino. Likewise, there’s no way this poor little boy would ever be acquainted with someone so wealthy.”

The situation seemed like a joke to Darius, who kept silent the entire time and kept his hands in his pockets. Even so, his frosty eyes sent chills down everyone’s spines. Darius eventually reached out to knock on the table twice before retorting, “Aren’t I supposed to grant your business more wealth through my patronage? Why did no one welcome me? Instead, you left me out here alone. Is this how your fancy casino treats its customers?”

Upon hearing his words, the person on the call flew into a rage and thundered, “Listen here, you little punk! Our casino would never allow you, someone impersonating a member of the Reid family, through our doors! As for your friend, you can only save him after putting the five million dollars on this table.”

Darius’ hands returned to his pockets as his eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about?”


He did not believe the words of the person on the phone. After all, he knew Rudd had excellent control over things, so it did not make sense that the latter would have such a massive funding gap.

Darius’ rage was growing at that point. Even so, he could not do anything since he had yet to see Rudd in person. Thus, he flashed them a blank look while asking, “How did he end up owing you this amount?”

Roaring laughter came from the phone right then. Even the manager was chuckling.

Meanwhile, Darius was the only one whose expression did not change.

the manager placed the handset back onto the telephone, ending the

his head to meet

“You’re already at our casino. Why

other party’s reason was the first thing he ruled out. He was unfazed since he knew such an excuse was a lie-Rudd would never garnble. With that in mind, his eyes narrowed to slits as he slammed

you. We think you’re lying and pretending to be rich. While

guys are after a life today, not money, huh?” Darius asked plainly before raising three fingers. “I’ll give you till

out. It was so loud that everyone within nine feet of the casino entrance heard his words, causing the scene to plummet into

The utter stillness around them meant she needed to handle the matter well. Otherwise, there was no way she could bear the consequences. Thus,

firmly, “The portion that is owed to us, of course.” Darius nodded, “Time’s up. That’s the


lit up. She knew the watch on his wrist was a limited-edition piece. It was worth 50 million dollars, and only ten existed worldwide. Those facts

of her actions earlier. After all, a man like Darius was not someone

off the young and handsome

Her phone then rang.

muscle trembled with fear. Saliva pooled in her mouth, causing

let him in and get someone to keep him company all night. Should he refuse to let you check it,

caller abruptly

and spoke up before the manager could. “I heard your superior’s request, but I still

questioning the truth behind Darius’ words after seeing how cooperative he was. Still, she could not do anything about her doubts,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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