Chapter 33 When the manager of the Dragon Lords Imperial Residence heard Mr. Bruces threat, she was completely taken aback. He had repeatedly informed her that an extremely important guest would be arriving and that she should treat him with the utmost respect, but she had no idea that the guest had already arrived. If she had, she would have dropped what she was doing and attended to the guest immediately

Even though she was the manager of Dragon Lords Imperial Residence, she had witnessed how Mr. Bruce treated those who were obviously superior to her. If Bruce could treat the people superior to her like ants, how important was the person who Mr. Bruce himself had referred to as an extremely important guest

without any delay the manager stood up, picked her phone and ran out of her office. She had to make amends for her actions no matter what otherwise she would have to face the brunt of Mr. Bruces anger

Meanwhile, in the lobby of the Dragon Lords Imperial Residence, the receptionist was glaring at Darius with great contempt. She found his attitude to be unbelievable

Darius certainly appeared to be a welltodo person now that he had changed his poor clothes for very decent ones, but his outfit was still considerably below that of the people who usually visited the residence; therefore he was no one important in the eyes of the receptionist

Now such an unimportant person had demanded a meeting with the manager of this imperial residence, like as if he owned the place. To make matters worse, he had not even booked an appointment with the manager yet

As if that wasnt enough, the shameless stranger had made a phone call demanding the person on the other end of the line to inform the manager of his presence and tell her to meet with him. He even added that he was in a hurry

such a stunt. It was beyond her comprehension. There was simply no way this stranger could be so important that the manager herself would have to meet him in person. Besides, she had seen several people who were important and she was

Darius out of the building when someone rushed into the lobby.

from. The receptionist saw that the figure looked very familiar but she couldn‘t tell who the person was

did the receptionist recognize who she was. It

ceremonies involving

to where Darius was

here to look for me?” the manager inquired, staring directly at the receptionist. “Darius Reid?” the receptionist asked. She had certainly heard that name before. Almost immediately, Darius‘ handsome face popped up in her mind. It was as if

instantly turned to face Darius. The moment

The guest she was told to entertain was someone who looked to be in his early

head to Darius. Now wasn‘t the time to be smitten by his looks. This was someone who was unreachable to her and also someone she had

an honor to meet you sir.” The manager said in a very polite tone. “Hm. Are

this residence.” The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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