Sarah and David on the other hand were also as shocked as Darius. They didn’t expect to run into someone like Darius in a place like this.


David Lesley had taken Sarah out today to spoil her with luxurious gifts. He had already bought them for her and wanted to get a few more outfits before they called it a day. However, they did not expect Darius to be here as well. Slowly, the expression of shock on Sarah’s face slowly morphed into one of anger. She was instantly irritated when she saw Darius.


David too was brimming with anger at the sight of Darius. He could never forget the humiliation Darius had caused him on the night he asked Sarah out. He had completely ruined the popular image he was trying to build for himself. Since that night, he had hated Darius guts. He had promised to deal with Darius, but Darius had been nowhere to be found since that night. Who would have thought that he would finally find him here?


“What the hell are you doing here?” Sarah asked; anger evident in her tone.


Darius felt his heart tug painfully when he heard the tone with which Sarah questioned him with. This wasn’t the Sarah he knew and courted for six months. He never knew that a person could change to such extent because of money.


“I asked you a question. Answer me! What are you doing here?” Sarah asked again. She didn’t know why, but she was very agitated when she Darius.


Darius sighed before answering her.


“I don’t have to report my every action to you now, do I?” Darius said.


“What problem do you have with my being here? Last I checked this was a mall that everyone could enter.” Darius stated. Although he was hurt when he saw both of them together, he didn’t want to waste any time exchanging words with them. He just wanted to pay for his outfits and leave.


Sarah had an ugly expression on her face. She didn’t like the way Darius talked back to her. She was about to give her reply when she saw the large amount of shopping bags placed neatly on the floor.


Sarah said mockingly, and a vicious expression could


tone. He didn’t do anything to her so why


talking to them. Besides,


to take notice of their squabble so she wanted to use the opportunity to put Darius down


He wanted to see what Sarah had


gaze on the sales lady beside Darius and spoke in a loud


peasant? Can’t you


she didn’t pay attention to Darius outfit. She just wanted to attend to him so that she could gain her commission from the sales. However, it


noticing that the sales lady was beginning


believe that someone dressed as poorly as him would be able to afford all these clothes?”


He can’t even afford a $100 meal for his self talk more of buying this much outfits from Louis


new light. Truthfully speaking although Darius was tall and handsome, it did nothing to hide the cheap clothes that he was wearing. It seemed absurd that someone whose total outfit didn’t cost up to $30 wanted to buy so


you call the security to throw him out. He might be here to steal these outfits instead of pay for them after all.” Sarah


and bear the insults and accusations that Sarah heaped on him. He noticed that the people present were beginning to look at him strangely. He did not care about what people thought about him, but he could not bear to be insulted


I’ll pay for them immediately!” Darius said to the sales lady in a determined tone. He was going to show them what he was made


for it. But I can assure you that this person here is just here to waste your time.” David chimed in. He was


didn’t bother replying him. By now everyone in the store had gathered to watch the drama that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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