Xavier’s pov
Rodrigo followed behind me When the door is softly closed behind him I turn to peer into the small glass window that showed inside the room Pleased that Aurora listened to me, I fixed my gaze on Rodrigo
He’s been one of the best doctors here for years now,recruited by my father years ago He was also a good friend to my father. A close family friend. Which meant I could trust him.
After my father was murdered they all witnessed the unleashing of my beast Reckon From that day onward, everyone feared me, including him. There was no one to tame my beast before But now, now there was.
c Was nod
And from Rodrigo’s expression, he had figured it out. He was always a smart man, maybe too smart for his own good
You know about her,” I murmured, quickly peeking at Aurora through the glass. Our eyes connected and I could see the soft feathering of blush on her checks at being caught looking
She quickly looks away and I fight the urge to grin.
‘I want her ‘Reckon demanded like a horny wolf. I sighed moving my eyes off of her before Reckon has his way. I would b e lying if I didn’t say I was also starving for her.
I know what she is to you Alpha. But I don’t know what kind of creature she is,’ Rodrigo admitted seeming to be cautious to admit it to me.
“And what is she to me Rodrigo?” I asked stiffly as I cross my arms over my chest
I needed to tread across those waters carefully.

He looked nervous, sweat coating his skin like another layer. I was making the poor older man squirm under my stare.
He cleared his throat more than twice, seeming to gather the courage to speak up. You must know it is absolutely rare for a wolf to be mated to a creature not of their own kind? (1)
He really was a smart man. Trying to work around the answer to not anger me I had to give him props.
Thummed, leaning my shoulder against the wall.”I didn’t know of such a thing. This is the first time I’m hearing of it”. lied, fixing my gaze on him.
He gulps, glances at Aurora through the glass and speaks. ‘ Alpha Xavier, you know I’ve been a family friend for years. I would never do or say anything to upset you. But your father would’ve liked me to keep an out for you and that means to protect you from any inconveniences.’ 1
Iarch a brow, silently telling him to go on even though I had an inkling of where this conversation was heading.
“The girl in there is your mate. And even a blind person would know she’s not of werewolf genes. In fact, her features are so rare that I have never seen anything like her before. Alpha….
He gulps, looking up at me cautiously and slightly frightened. “Our people will not accept her.”
I stiffen.
His words were harmless but Reckon thought otherwise. Noticing my change of mood, he quickly speaks. “Imean no harm by saying this Alpha I just wanted to warn you before you… inform them of this.”
I looked down at Rodrigo, anger coursing through me. Reckon wanted him dead. I did not. He was of good use to me and would be of good use now and in the future.
So forcing Reckon down with as much power as I could muster, I answered hoarsely. “I never said I would accept her as my mate or inform our people of her being my fated one.”
For some odd reason, my tongue felt heavy after saying those words. And regret soon followed after. The feeling was so rare it shocked me enough to have me stop speaking for a couple of seconds.
‘Yes we will!’ Reckon roared getting angry again.
Conflicted by my emotions, I gronned ‘Rodngo, you should not tell or speak of what you know to anyone keep this information to yourself Have I made myself clear?”
1 wasn’t ready for anyone to find out about her being my mate
Rodrigo nodded quickly, stammering a response “Yes Alpha!
I hummcd looking down at the older man
He was a smart man and knew a lot about the history of wolves and other creatures. Perhaps he knew something about Aurora Or know how to get the needed information to figure out what she was and how it was possible for her to be my male. 1
*Rodrigo,” I called out, looking around to scc if there were other listening cars,
“Yes alpha?”
Pleased to see that there weren’t any cavesdroppers, I fixed my attention on the older man “You know my predicament here. Can you tell me anything at all to explain why the girl in the room is bonded to mecven though she’s not one of us?
Rodrigo looked away from me and peered into the glass to stare at Aurora. He presses his lips together and looks thoughtful
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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