Park Anya was Park Chan-young’s sister. If Jordan could capture Park Anya, he would definitely be able to trade her for Marissa.


In return, Tim said, “Madam’s daily activities look very normal. She accompanies her husband to press conferences and interviews. When she’s free, she accompanies her daughter. She doesn’t seem to have anything to do with your mother-in-law.”


This wasn’t unexpected. Children from large families were very independent. Jordan, Jesse, Jamie and his sisters rarely contacted each other. Jordan also believed that Park Chan-young had acted alone. Park Anya probably had no idea.


“Where is Park Anya now?”


Tim glanced at the location on his phone and said, “The Blue House.”


Jordan immediately said, “Let’s go to the Blue House and capture Park Anya!”




Tim, Salvatore and the rest were all dumbstruck!


Kidnap someone at the Blue House?


Tim stammered, “Mr. Jordan, this… this… do you want to reconsider? It’s the Blue House!”


The Blue House was where the highest authorities in South Korea were. Commoners like Tim and Salvatore trembled just at the mention of the place. They didn’t even dare to enter, let alone capture someone there.


However, Jordan did not care at all. He did not care where it was!


“Let’s go!”


Turning on the invisibility mode, Zephyr Three quickly approached the Blue House.


However, Martin suddenly called.


“Hello, Mr. Howard.”


was here to check


question was not about Marissa’s situation. Instead, he asked, “Jordan, where are you


was confused. “I’m


ask, “Where in




you going to the


shocked. “How did you know? You placed


to secretly do


Blue House unless he placed a tracker on him. After all, Jordan hadn’t


to Martin at the Howards’ place earlier and it would have


for your own good. After all, you’re the son-in-law of the Howard family. I’m afraid you’ll do something rash. Listen to me. Don’t cause trouble at the Blue House.


me. I’m not at all


that, Jordan


so he did not take many precautions. He did


Three was a huge plane, the Blue House guards would immediately


to Dragon, “Dragon, we’ll jump off from the plane here. We’ll sneak in and


Dragon answered, “Yes!”


moved quickly. However, before long, a few


so unlucky


was a little


instructed. With Dragon’s abilities,


in camouflage uniforms were not armed, Dragon walked


Bang bang bang bang!


so strong and did not manage to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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