Justin went home while Nora was waiting for Trueman.

By the time she was done talking to Trueman and got back home, she found that Alexander had already gone to bed. When she was about to return to her bedroom, she noticed the lights on the balcony.

She walked over to find Justin and Cherry conversing on the balcony.

Cherry, who was now ten years old, was going through a growth spurt, so she was thin and skinny. However, her cheeks were round and plump with collagen, and her almond-shaped eyes were identical to Nora’s. Together with her double eyelids, narrow at the inner tips and wide at the outer, she was so pretty and looked so delicate that it was as if she was not of this world.

Plenty of directors and scouts from film and television companies had noticed her when they visited the school during the past few years. On many occasions, they had asked the teachers to contact her parents on their behalf in hopes of having her debut as a child actress. After all, given her good looks, she would undoubtedly gain immense popularity if she took on the role of the younger version of a female lead.

However, both Nora and Justin had declined the offers after consulting her for her opinion.

gaming; she didn’t have much

was currently wearing a set of white pajamas. She looked a little down as she sat on the furry rug

as his large hand

go over

was about to return to the room to take a bath and rest for the night, she suddenly heard Cherry

cold at once. “Don’t listen to

spoke with Cherry, he would be more patient than usual. He looked at Cherry quietly and said, “Grades are not the only criterion to assess a person.

Cherry sighed.

kept quiet for a moment before he suddenly asked, “Cherry, can you tell me why you

“It’s boring.”

big, clearly-defined eyes were fixed on Justin as she added, “I don’t know what the purpose of studying is, that’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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