Nora said hesitantly: “Cherry must have had her cell phone confiscated for playing games again. What happened to Xander, though?”


Although Cherry didn’t take her studies seriously in school, she was very well-behaved. Moreover, she was good-looking and a sweet-talker, so even if the headmasters confiscated the cell phone, they would return it to her within just a couple of days.


Over the years, the school had rarely ever called her parents because of disciplinary issues.


As for Xander, he was pretty much the model student and had never had any incidents where the school had to call his parents!


Justin was perplexed too. “… I’m free tomorrow anyway. Let’s go and have a look.”


As the Hunts’ children, the three children’s information was confidential to outsiders and they also faked their identities in school.


Moreover, the three kids all had different last names…


Apart from Cherry and Pete who looked too alike to be entirely unrelated, nobody knew that Cherry and Xander were also siblings. Nobody knew that they were the Hunts’ children either.


After all, for their safety, they had to be low-key about it!


Furthermore, the three children were enrolled in a private school from the start anyway…


In order to make Cherry and Xander independent, the two of them even chose to move to the boarding school after fourth grade… Cherry was the one who requested this, of course.


Needless to say, Nora knew that she did it because nobody would be able to stop her from using her cell phone once she moved to the school dorms.


Little Cherry knew that it would be difficult to convince Nora, so she had pestered Justin to agree to the request instead. Mr. Slave-To-His-Daughter Justin would never turn down her requests, so he had signed the application form for moving into the school dorms.


had even lost her temper


end, it was only when Xander also decided to move into the dorms to monitor her that Nora finally


Pete did everything systematically and did not hide his capabilities—after all, he was going to take over a publicly-known company like the Hunt Corporation in the


Pete’s excellent capabilities must be


it was precisely because of this that Nora and Justin decided to have him progress through his education systematically. Xander was raised by Trueman, so his moral compass had become a bit misguided. The two hoped that Xander could slowly correct this through contact with


in the future, so he would stand out less if


was enough to create


chose different ways to educate the three



two arrived


for them to come, the two went to


was a bit taken aback when he saw Nora. However, when he saw how lazy and half-asleep the woman looked, he frowned, though he refrained from saying anything nasty.


you Cheryl’s mom?”


Nora nodded.


then looked


if he tried his darnedest to tone it down and make


smile, the headmaster said, “You must be Alexander’s father?


and Justin sat on the sofa opposite the headmaster’s desk and


“Sir, did the two children




private school are all rich and noble, so I understand that you would have higher expectations for your children! That is why I must let you know in advance if


stern. “What did Alexander do? He must have instigated


all, his daughter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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