Benjamin came home very hungry, holding a long package in one hand. He wanted to eat something spicy, so he cooked extra spicy chicken fry and then went to his room for a bath. 

Lisa slipped into the kitchen and took the chicken fry and rushed to her room. Both she and Roshan gorged on it and loved the taste. 

Meanwhile, inside Benjamin‘s room. “How long is she going to take to bathe?” Benjamin wondered. Having waited ten minutes doing nothing but sitting on his bed, he asked. “Can you come out?” Inside the bathroom, Rebecca was still there, sweating from having stayed there since afternoon. Nobody came to help her, and she had even cried a couple of times. Even after Benjamin entered the room just now, she was so angry she didn‘t call for his help straight away. Now, Benjamin was asking her to come rit, so wiped her face clean. 

Standing on one leg, she opened the door. Benjamin was on his bed and was peering at her, looking mildly annoyed, “C–Can you carry me to my bed?” she asked, Benjamin‘s expression didn‘t change. “Don‘t you have the maids?” if it was him before he heard Rebecca‘s speech on the stage, he would have jumped when she asked him to carry her, but now, his heart wasn‘t so eager to help her. It felt heavy for a valid reason. 

“You are right here, aren‘t you?” she hesitantly replied, but he stayed silent. “Will you help me or not?” she asked again. Even though she was talong the support of the doorpost to stand on one foot, she could only stand that way for so long. Benjamin got up and unfolded his sleeves. When she gave a puzzled look, he said, “I don‘t want to be touched by you, you know.” He went to the shelves and picked up her gloves. Rebecca‘s jaw dropped. “You‘ve gotta be kidding me.” “I wish I was,” he came to her, walking slowly and steadily without blinking. She was wearing long shorts that reached up to her knees. The curvy shape of her knees didn‘t stir his heart, but then again, the little mole right above her konee was able to catch his attention. He quickly looked back up at her face, “Did you just stare at my legs?” she asked. “O–Of course not,” he stopped before her. “I was wondering where my hands should hold 


back, and the other under my knees.” “Yeah, but that‘s way too romantic, and I don‘t want to give any false hope,” he leaned forward, and before she realized what he was doing, his finn shoulder pressed into her navel and lifted her up like she was a feather when Jane had almost burst a veln to pick her up. One of his hands firmly grabbed the back of her thigh.

down.” If her right ankle wasn‘t injured, she could have used force, but now, she wasn‘t

her bed. She

  1. it. 

picked up his towel and

except Mom maybe.” Benjamin walked out of the bathroom, which genuinely shocked her. It had been only two and half minutes since he entered, and he was already out. He generally bathed fast, but this was a record even for him. She didn‘t look pleased with that at al). “Can‘t you spend some more time in the bathroom and clean yourself better?” she suggested. “We‘re living

push it off the bed, but then a thought crept up in the back of her mind. Her hands froze for a second. “Is this what I think it is?” she opened the package with anticipation, and her expectations were

curry was gone. He

of the maids

if you want, you can wait.” “Wait?” Benjamin frowned. It would take at least one to two hours to prepare everything, but he really wanted to eat it right away. “Where‘s the meat? I‘ll cook it myself.” “I think Oliver is killing the hens in the backyard. You can go there to collect it yourself.” “Ah, fine” Benjamin went to the backyard, and the maid was right. Oliver, the fifty–year–old butler

off the chicken‘s head, while Mercie was flicking another chicken‘s head and making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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