Chapter 101 Humans After All (Anj‘s POV) “Negative! Negative! Negative!” Anya chimed in as she kissed the girls on the head. Dylan glanced at her as he stood up and gave her a glass of milk. 

Anya raised her eyebrows and looked at him. You know Im a coffee person, Dylan.” She looked at the glass of milk as if Dylan had given him something weird. The girls giggled. “You look funny, Aunt Anya,” Selene said. I smiled, missing this kind of morning where I could hear my girls giggling because their Aunt Anya made them happy or did something funny. “You‘re not drinking coffee from now on,he said as he sat back in his seat and checked on Leyanne‘s plate. “Eat your fruits, Leyanne.” “But I don‘t like cantaloupe,” She pouted, and before Dylan could encourage her, Lyra Helene picked up the slice from her plate

I like cantaloupe,she put it in her mouth and smiled at me

“And I don‘t like milk,Anya said. “You know Im lactose intolerant, right?” She snarled at him

“It‘s lactosefree,he answered. “End of discussion.” I pursed my lips and thanked the divine agency above for making my cellphone ring. I left them in the dining room to pick up my phone. My eyebrows knitted, seeing an unknown number

“Hello,” I greeted, glancing at my kids just in case the caller was Sky. “Umm... Anj Perry?” It was a teenagers voice. “I‘m sorry for calling you early this morning, but this is kind of urgent.I raised my eyebrows. What could be urgent early this morning? “How can I help you?” 

This is Olivia Mars, and Im calling because of my dad.When I didnt answer, she continued. Hes really sick right now, and he‘s hoping to see the triplets. Could you swing by, even just for an hour, so he could see them?” 

but my heartbeat raced. I didn‘t want to bring bad news to the kids. It took a

more thing, Dad said, if you don‘t mind, could you please bring the quilt and book? I really have no idea what he‘s talking about. Maybe he‘s delirious or something,” She whimpered. “Do you need someone to pick you up?” “No need. I know how to get there,” I said. Yet, I doubted, thinking they might be in living in a different mansion. They were wealthy, after

What time are we expecting

the time. One hour in bathing the kids, including Nitro, another hour for me, and

be delivering orders today, but I think we‘d be able to reach your place

me to answer. She hung up before


again. He walked in my direction, refilling my cup. “What happened to my coffee?” I raised my eyebrows, and when I turned my face to Anya, her mouth was full of milk, like she was

giggled, shaking their heads and turning to

could marry two women at the same time, I won‘t be marrying you two,” he uttered, returning to his seat


thought he‘ll marry me,” I pick up my cup, sipping my coffee. When Anya met my eyes, we laughed. “I guess I wasn‘t meant to get married,” I uttered in a hushed tone as I looked at the girls finishing their milk. “I guess I wasn‘t meant to get married, too,” Anya sighed, pushing

go!” He placed his plate on the sink. “Hurry up, Anya. We‘ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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