Chapter 6 – The Great Escape 

(Sky‘s POV) 


My hands which grip her hips, want to pull her inside the room again, but when my lips touch her nape, her baby sweet scent woke me up. If I were right that she lied to me about her age, I would be in big trouble. 

“How about we get out of here together, get that appletini you want, and call whoever Anya is?” I placed my hand on her head to protect her from the window frame. 

She squinted her eyes for a brief second and then smiled, nodding as she agreed with me, jumping at the short distance from the window stool to the landing area of the staircase. I took the bottle of liquor and glasses. 

“Hold this,” I said, and she took it, opening the lid and smelling the alcohol. Before I could stop her, she drank from the bottle. I had to snatch it away from her before she could finish the whole content. 

taste better,” she giggled, wiping her mouth with

thuds as she went down. I followed her, carefully climbing down the emergency staircase. “Are you

reached the ground. 

grabbed her sleeve. “We‘re not going back in there. Let‘s go to my car,” I said, letting her go when she

smell like heaven,” she said, sticking her tongue

“Heaven, huh? What smell is that?”

answer me. Instead, she smiled sheepishly at me, shaking her head, so I did not bother asking her again.

bench near the lamppost, reading a book. He panicked when he saw me and opened the door quietly. I caught him glancing at the girl with me,

like an order, yet whatever her name did not mind at all. She gets in the car, biting the lip of the glass she is holding. “Stop that,” I said, taking the glass tumbler from her, but she


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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