1. Agenda?

When I meet him the next morning so he could give me a ride to school, Gerald profusely apologizes for not taking my calls.

“I am really sorry, Jace. I left my phone at the office before going home and missed a bunch of calls, along with yours. Are you okay? Did something happen? Was there an emergency?”

I blush at his questions. My idiotic actions had left him worried about me, and that was the last thing I

wanted to do.

“No, Gerald, no, there were no issues. I just wanted to have some conversation,” I scuff the floor with my feet, feeling mortified. But I somehow spit out the next part of the explanation, “Just wanted some companionship, I guess. You know how the house is at night.”

Gerald’s eyes soften with something akin to parental concern.

“I’m sorry, Jace,” he mutters, but I brush it off.

“No, it’s fine. I was just a bit shaken from what happened that evening, which, by the way, I need to notify you about.”

That does the trick as Gerald sits ramrod straight, his eyes focused. I tell him all about the incident that happened in the evening, and the email Brennan had gotten at night.

“I see,” he murmurs after I finish the report, “this Aiden fellow is starting to become a problem.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “But unfortunately, a problem we can’t get rid of soon, what with his father trying to take over Zelt Tech and all.”

do, you know, apart from the most obvious motive, which

get that

passed without an

gone off the grid. He was absent from school, and I heard that the school board was not pleased with his behavior. Brennan had not even heard from him, in fact,

I learned today and going through the work! had to complete before tomorrow, as well as the assignments,

I approach him, and stop when I notice his expression. His lips are pursed and his skin is pale, and his

harshly and adds in a tense voice. “We should get inside.

the car, and Gerald locks the doors.

crossing my arms. I do not have a good feeling about this, whatever

before delivering the news. “Three of Zelt Tech employees had

a breath,

near the Zelt Tech building They’d just come outside when a vehicle had driver past them, and the window opened

like I can’t breathe Someone shot Zelt Tech employees just outside of Zelt Tech How could this happen? I never…I never thought such things would happen at

alive?” I

coma which the doctor says he will wake up from soon They were shot in their limbs and torso The other

“Who are they?”

IT, and Tanaka from HR.”

devastated at the attack, we need to go to the hospital immediately to see them.”

we can get in before visiting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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