Chapter 886 We’ll Join The Event

"No, I did not. My only evidence is what I heard from my mom. She said when a woman's pregnant with a girl, their skin starts to glow and become smoother than ever. It's happening to you."

Deirdre instinctively rubbed her face and felt none of that. "You're making it up. I feel no difference!" 'That's because you can't see it." Brendan teased her, smiling. "Or... maybe my eyes have the lover filter on."

Deirdre turned her attention back to her soup as the rest of her body erupted into flustered flame.

It was then that Sam rushed inside. Seeing the couple having their meal, he looked down and greeted them. "Good morning, Mr. Brighthall. Miss McKinnon."

Brendan took a sip of the soup. "What?" 'Those old farts in the company are hosting an event tonight. They're going to promote Desmond Griffin as the acting CEO!” Sam answered, gritting his teeth.

moving fast." "H*ll, I bet they planned this to happen! I'm sure they would have with or without the hospital incident!" "Alright, then." Brendan rubbed his hand with a napkin slowly. "Dee?


out of her trance and rejected him immediately. "Are you out of your

going to bring a

We’re the main characters.

rose and clapped her on the shoulder. 'They won't

Their arrival

end, Deirdre chose a turquoise gown with hem draping across the carpet. Putting it on made her look elegant and graceful, and her skin as radiant

to make Deirdre look sprier, yet the effect shocked all of them. She was so impossibly gorgeous that the artist had to praise her. "You are so insanely beautiful, Miss McKinnon! No wonder Mr. Brighthall's head-over-heels with you. Even I'm going

were delicate. Her widow's peaks made her elegance and mystique shine. Her damaged eyes were milky, yet all it did was imbue her with the vulnerable air of a

heaping compliments aimed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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