Chapter 30 What Are You Doing in My House? 

All right.

Actually, Karen didn’t mean it. She would not stop until she found Gloria the best man in the world!

They talked for a while and then hung up.

Gloria clicked on Twitter

Although she was not a star, she often found herself a trending topic on Twitter.

Norma, her fake online identity, and Jordy were also the most discussed topics.

Gloria and Jordy attended parties and events, which did much good to the company. This was also to make sure that they were a loving couple in the public’s eye. She loved him and was willing to cooperate with him. Only on those occasions did she feel that she married a good man…

But now things changed.

Rumors about Gloria and Jonathan were circulating, which might have a detrimental effect on the Collins Group

After all, everyone knew that Jordy and Jonathan were bitter enemies that would never be reconciled.

“Oh, my gosh. Big news! How can Mrs. Collins and Mr. Brown be together? Is there something going on between them?

Collins is so gentle! This must be Mr. Brown’s way of dealing with Mr. Collins.

comment. The picture appeared sharp and clear and was posted blatantly. She never thought that it was

must have done this on

But Gloria didn’t care.

However, others might do.

Two hours later

almost asleep when her

screen. It was a call from Jordy. She knew why he made this call. She was in no mood

sat in the car, his

again, but no one

turned her


the steering wheel hard.

today not to see Bryson anymore,

out of the car and

after she turned off the phone. She closed her eyes and quieted her

been waiting for Jordy to come every night. She was so lucky that she didn’t


she let the past go and had a peaceful

rang. Gloria opened her eyes. Who is


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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