Chapter 32 His Face Darkened 

She opened the door.

A slender woman came into view.

Jordy stood up and stepped over.

Gloria turned to look at Jordy and smiled sarcastically, “It’s your lover. Big surprise, huh?”

Angela narrowed her eyes. A lover? Gloria, believe it or not, I’ll take your place and become Jordy’s wife.

Jordy’s face turned gloomier as he looked at Angela. “Why are you here?”

to discuss something with you, but he said you were in a bad mood and

Jordy will marry you soon, and I will be his ex-wife.

shameless to steal your

freezing aura over the whole

just repeated the words Jordy had said to

sarcasm, but so what? Jordy would marry her, and

could guess what Angela was thinking and suddenly brought

want a divorce badly. I’ll go with him to the court any time he wants. And then you can get your marriage certificate right away. But Jordy isn’t going with me. Is it because

as she managed to smile. “Gloria, what are you talking

upset. Why doesn’t he


you and I didn’t regret my decision. I asked you to marry me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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