Remarriage Never And Go Away

Chapter 855 Jordy Was Upset 

Chapter 855 Jordy Was Upset 

Gloria’s wound recovered well in the next ten days. She decided to go to work. 

Jordy hid the news that Gloria was injured from the others in the company. Harold only told them that she was sent away for work by Mr. Collins. 

They wouldn’t have any doubts if they were told that it was Jordy who gave the job to Gloria, but if Gloria asked for the job, they would talk about her and think she was going to make waves. 

Jordy didn’t go to see Gloria in the past ten days, but when he knew that Gloria came back to work, he immediately 

frowned and went to her office. 

He opened the door without knocking on it 

When he saw Gloria, who was dealing with the work, he looked sullener, “Who told you to come back for work?” 

Gloria was surprised. She looked up and saw that Jordy had closed the door and walked in. He was staring at her with a gloomy face. 

She didn’t expect that Jordy would come. She said quietly, “I’ve almost recovered.” 

pursed his lips tightly, and he

was confused. The next moment, Jordy said in a deep

Gloria was confused. 

looked at him blankly, “What are you talking about?”

for fear that her wound would be reopened. Gloria responded. He wanted to see

he pretending

said in a deep voice, “I said, my wound

beside Gloria,

and domineering. Then he said in a cold voice, “You want me to help

Gloria was speechless. 

want to say anything or talk

want to waste her time like this. Fine, she would

moment, she turned her back to Jordy and said in a flat voice,

Jordy was speechless. 

asked if she wanted him to help her with this,

her, so he was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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