Chapter 11 All Eyes Will Be on You 

Gloria shook her mobile phone and said, “I’ll see you again.”

With that, she left in high heels before Jonathan could respond.

Jonathan sat in his chair and Irene smiled at him, grabbed her cell phone and chased Gloria out.

They got in the car, but Irene didn’t start the car. She looked at Gloria who was sitting in the co-driver’s seat in disbelief, “Norma, are you going to get over Jordy by dating Jonathan? Jonathan is a not good choice. Aren’t you afraid that you will get hurt again after you are in love with him?”

Gloria froze for an instant, but the next moment she reacted. She gave Irene a helpless smile, “What are you talking about? What I hate most now is a relationship. How can I be in love with him?”

Besides, how could Jonathan like her?

Gloria laughed, “You think too much. Even if I want to be with Jonathan, he wouldn’t agree.

Irene frowned and looked at her suspiciously, “Are you sure you are telling the truth?”


left the car in gear. She sighed, “Men are all jerks! We should be strong and competent women. Gloria, you are now such

past, she only called Gloria Norma, but she called her Gloria, which meant she was very


I won’t let that happen again. This countermove

Trust me.”

breathed a sign of relief inwardly, and turned the

The White family

family had just finished their dinner. Angela had a ruddy face and didn’t

had just recovered

old, but she was always gorgeously dressed and seemed to be in

who was sitting on the sofa, and

doesn’t seem to

most accurate, especially bad intuition. What she feared

certainly happen.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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