Chapter 16 

Jessica and her friends also knew Mona Gilbert from school. Mona was about to start a nightclub

*Just say it. What are you up to?” Jessica snorted since she knew Hannah too well:

“No biggie Mona’s place opens up tonight. She wants us to go over to back her up. You know, our performance at LURE last time was quite popular. Mona hoped that we could perform at her nightclub tonight as well.” Hannah smiled at Jessica

Hannah was a party person. She hadn‘t had enough of the stage time last time.

“Why didn’t you ask Caesar and Lance? What do you think, gentlemen?” Jessica turned to the two guys.

“I’m OK with that.” Lance nodded immediately

Caesar also nodded at Jessica with a smile. “Works for me, too.”

Thus, Jessica had to agree.

Mona was indeed bold when running her business. Her nightclub Cloud Top was right across from LURE.

LURE was quite popular in LA.

The annual rent of Mona‘s nightclub was 1 million dollars, and Mona signed a three–year contract.

When Jessica and the others arrived, Mona was greeting some other friends of hers. Mona saw Jessica and her friends, and she ran up to them with excitement in her eyes. “Sweeties, I‘ll count on you guys tonight. I really want my grand opening to go well. It‘s all up to you guys now.”

Mona looked hot tonight. Jessica raised her eyebrows and teased Mona, “Boss, you look so racy!”

Last time, someone posted Jessica and her friends‘ performance on YouTube. The video was viewed tens of millions of times. Thus, a lot of people came to see their performance tonight.

Only a few minutes after the show began, the auditorium had already gotten quite crowded.

 to the liveliness at Cloud Top, LURE seemed a lot

 time, so he logged in to YouTube to kill time. Yet somehow

 Lucas. “Lucas, is

friends brought a great deal of attention to Mona’s new nightclub through their

was curious about Mona’s nightclub as well. So he left


wore a white shirt and a pair of denim pants. Her

eyeliner and SUQQU’s new eye shadow made Jessica

passionate customers were shaking their bodies at Jessica’s drum

Jessica was like a singer performing at the Super Bowl, impressing the entire audience with her

to learn more about Jessica when seeing

recalled that they

do you regret divorcing Jessica?” Hari could not help but ask when he saw that Lucas was lost in

 you hear yourself?” Lucas

 never regrets any of his decisions.” Hari shrugged, not taking Lucas’ words seriously.

 Trissy is my brother Max‘s wife,” Lucas said

 was shocked to hear what Lucas said. “What else would you

who proposed

 felt agitated when they talked about his divorce. He never believed that Jessica divorced him because she found

gaze fell on the stage

 Isn‘t that

 close to the stage in the audience was holding beautiful

 along and they were business rivals. Thus, Lucas had zero interest in

about to leave, he heard the crowd

frown, only to see Terry handing

see this coming, yet she still thanked

welcome. It’s an honor for both me and the roses.” Terry bowed like a British

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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