Chapter 25 Give Me A Wide Berth

across him and found them both exceptional beauties.“Relax. I’ve never lost a case.”“I’ll see you inside, Uncle Jason.” Queenie sent her uncle in to prepare before walking over.“I’m sure you saw all of that. That’s my uncle. You’re screwed today, Sophie.” I will put Sophie behind bars no matter how long it takes.Sophie failed to suppress a snort.“What’s the matter? Scared silly?” Queenie did not like the smile on her nemesis’ face. She found it nauseating.“You’ve hurt Ysabelle, Queenie. I’m not letting you go for that. Enjoy being smug while you still can. I’m going to oblige you by putting you behind bars today.”Some people seem to forget what pain feels like once the injury heals. She needs a scar that will never heal.“Still in denial at this point.” Queenie strode briskly into the courtroom, leaving Sophie and Ysabelle to await their lawyer.Jeffrey Goode saw Sophie as soon as he exited his car and hurried over.“Apologies for being late.”“Not at all. You’re just in time.”The three of them entered together.Queenie turned to Jason the moment she saw Sophie entering with her lawyer.“Do you know Sophie’s lawyer, Uncle Jason?”Jason looked up and saw Jeffrey by Sophie’s side.“It’s him!” Jason’s hands that were going through the briefs froze.“What’s wrong? Is he any good?” Queenie asked anxiously. I do not want to go to prison. My future is still filled with possibilities!“Good? You underestimate your uncle, Queenie. Don’t worry. We’re winning this suit today.”Jeffrey was the opposing counsel on more than one of Jason’s cases, and he had never won.Jeffrey caught sight of Jason as well.“We’re going up against Jason!”“Do you know him?” Sophie seated herself, not sounding very interested.“Let me find you a better lawyer, Sophie.”“Why?”“I’ve gone up against Jason several times before and have never won.”His last remark was heard by Jason, who was coming over to greet them at that moment.“You’re pretty self-aware, Jeffrey. Haven’t I told you before to stay down when you have a case against me? It wouldn’t help your reputation to be losing all the time.”Jeffrey turned green and did not offer a refute.He is right. I am a loser. Losers have no right to any dignity.“Don’t worry, Jeff. The case is crystal clear. They will lose.”Jason smirked. “The world is not all black and white, young lady. Many things aren’t as simple as you think.” I can turn anything into the truth.“How can you call yourself a lawyer?” Sophie asked.“It’s not your place to decide whether or not I’m worthy. Remember when you’re in there that everything that happens is caused by you hiring a second-rate attorney.”The judge’s arrival signified that the court was in officially in session. Jason returned to his seat.“What did you say to them, Uncle Jason?”“Nothing.”Jeffrey, on the other hand, was deathly pale.“You’d better find someone else, Sophie.” I can’t do this. Sometimes, I even wonder if I’m suited to be a lawyer.“I’ve said it once before,” she reiterated firmly, “you are my lawyer.” What is he afraid of? I’m the defendant, and I’m not even that nervous.“We’ll find someone else if he can’t manage, Soph.” Ysabelle did not want to see her friend behind bars.“It’ll be fine. There’s still me.”Unable to refute those words, Jeffrey steeled himself and stepped forward for the opening statements.Jason went first. “Your Honor, my client, Queenie Lane, has her nose broken by the defendant, Sophie Tanner. Here is the medical report. Furthermore, the defendant shows no remorse for her malicious assault. I believe the case is clear.”The judge turned to Sophie.“Do you have anything to say about the plaintiff’s version of events?”“I did commit the assault,” Sophie admitted.“Your Honor, the defendant has already exhibited such sadistic tendencies despite her tender age. I recommend teaching her a lesson lest she becomes a menace to society when she’s older.”Sophie chortled at Jason’s words.The judge’s eyes flicked to her at once. “Is the defense holding the court in contempt?”“Your Honor, I only laughed because I find the plaintiff’s claim ridiculous. First and foremost, I do admit that I struck the plaintiff. However, the reason for my conduct has to be clarified. I will not be held responsible for the plaintiff’s damaging actions to society.”Sophie cleared her throat. “At six-thirty on the twenty-third, I received a phone call from the plaintiff informing me that my friend, Ysabelle Lombard, was in her hands. If I did not make an appearance, she would hurt Ysabelle. Out of consideration for my classmate’s safety, I arrived at the designated location alone and saw that a dozen gangsters under Queenie’s employ had tied Ysabelle to a stool. There were visible bruises on Ysabelle’s face. To rescue the victim, I began to fight them. Though I did strike Queenie by accident, it was done entirely in self-defense.”“The plaintiff, Queenie,” Sophie continued as she pointed, gathering steam, “has committed kidnapping in exchange for ransom. According to our statutes, kidnapping to extort or hold one hostage warrants

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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